Chapter 3

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Hey guys, if you have red chapter two  last night you might wanna go back and re-read it, because I add, and got rid of some stuff! let me know if you like the new version or the old! Oh and um i have never been to new york, but i really wanna go so if you know something that you think will be useful for me definitely tell me. I am also open to any questions or comments, and I promise I will try to respond to every one I can<3 Oh and please do not steal the cover, I took the photo my self so it is copyright to me!! thanks<3

By now we had gotten off of the number 4 and we were now on a bus heading to the heart if New York, A.K.A. New York City. The bus was empty compared to the subway. John and I easily found a place to sit, and sadly he turned to face me. John opened his mouth to say something, but I stopped him before he could make a sound.

"Do you know what happened?" I asked him turning my head to the window.

"What do you mean?" He asked me obviously confused, "do you mean about your parents? Of course I would know, how could I be your new Father and not know what you have been though." 

I looked at him, staring into his big blue eyes, (yes I did figure it out! His eyes are blue) "easily.." I replied at the same time as moving my eye contact into my lap, and started to play with my leather bracelet.


"I said easily, that bitch hides everything from us." I almost yelled, I hate having to repeat myself...

"Well do you wanna know what she told me?" as soon as he said those words my eyes moved to his, why didn't he get mad at me for yelling? He continued once he had eye contact, "maybe she told me more then she told you?" 

My eyes stayed locked with his, "Its worth a try I guess." for the first time I had been with John I smiled, but just a little.

"She told me," he stopped and cleared his thought before continuing, "that you were born by accident, not that you yourself are an accident, more that the pregnancy was totally was not planed. Anyways your mother and father were just having a drunk one night stand, after meeting each other at a bar right here in New York. Your mother had just gone though a break up with a cry baby, well at least that's what her notebook said, and what the detectives got out of it. And well your father, he just happened to be there from what we know, and he was in a very flirtatious mood. You can see were this is going" He asked, when I didn't respond he kept on going, "Once your mom found out that she was going to have a kid she tracked down your dad. She didn't want her un-born child to be fatherless like she was when she was a child. They got married the following month in a small wedding in veges so your mothers parents wouldn't get mad at her for having a one night stand." He paused and looked at me, "That sound about the same?" he asked looking at me, almost as if he was looking into my sole, but just almost.

"Yep, I answered awkwardly.

"Ok, want me to keep on going, or are you sick of hearing the same old story almost all the time?" 

"No, keep on boring me to death!" I joked

He looked at me dumb struck, note to self...not good sense of humor

"Anyways, your mother and father got into a fight right after your 5th birthday, your mother got your father so worked up that he ran out of the house, they found him dead in the morning, after your mother sent out a missing persons report to the police, but they couldn't figure out why, and how he died." He stopped

I looked at him, what the fuck, his story was way different, my dad died in a car crash from drinking, he wasn't sober and killed.

"Yeah I know they told you that part different, they didn't want to get you worked up about it." he said

It was like he could read my mind.

"Anyways, want me to continua on?" he looked at me.

'No! I don't want you to, I wanna know what store is true? I wanna know why he is dead, and I wanna know what they were fighting about that caused my dad to die!!' I thought, hey if he can read my mind now is the time to do it! Thank you very much!

John continued to look at me, "Ill take the silence as a yes," he paused one more time to see if i would object, and then continued. "Your mother was so upset about the events that she put you in child care and when to San Francisco, the town she had grown up in. She when there in hope to find her mother, but she soon learned that she had died two years ago. So angry and upset she decided to visit her favorite place, the golden gate bridge. But her car never arrived, neither did her body, well at least alive. They again couldn't figure out the killer, and said it was suicide..." He looked at me "Caroline are you ok?"

"I think I'm gonna be sick!" I almost yelled!

"Can you hold it in for like another 5 minutes were almost home?" he looked at me, he looked worried sick, maybe he wouldn't be as bad as I thought he was going to be!

"I think so..." before i could even finish the sentience, I felt a warm sensation spread across my body.

Everything went in slow motion, as I fell face first to the ground, clutching my hand to my belly button. As my face hits the ground, I don't even try to protect it from the in pact. The pain filled my belly button  hurting like nothing I had ever felt before. I felt the movement on the bus come to a stop, and people began screaming. Some ones hand reached under me from the right side, the hand then griped around my left and flipped me over. What was this guy doing? I felt my hand being removed from the burning pit in my belly button, but I didn't have the strength to fight against it. Slowly I felt my shirt being lifted away from my skin. Pressure came completely obvious when it hurt so much I wanted to scream. I tried to scream out in pain, but no sound came out. 

Without the ability to make a sound with my mouth I turned to my other senses to figure out what was going on. I started looking for my ears, listening, focusing on every sound around my. At first I could detect anything other then the ringing sensation in my ears. I focused around it and I wanted to get up and run but my legs would move, nothing would move. The sounds were torturous, I would rather be any wear but here. Screams filled the air. And then I heard it...

"BANG BANG BANG" Oh my god it was a gun! Am I shoot? Am I dead? Wheres John? 

The warmth spreed, but dulled almost immediately, the voices that were so shrill immediately started to faid with the warmth... I was going under

"Stay with us!" A voice said of in the distance.

I pushed, trying to keep my mind active, I pushed so hard, but I felt so tired, I kept my mind focused on my mother, she would want me to survive, and push through this. I know she would, she would have wanted me to live a full life, I thought to myself. Fighting against my tired brain, I can do it I thought. I felt people touch my body, putting me into something soft comfortable. All of a suddon I started moving, and then I was hosted up. I let my mind go.

'I am in good hands' I told myself, 'just let go' 

I wanted to cry, I wanted my mom, my dead mom... I wanted to hear her say it will be ok hunny, dont worry. I wanted my dad to be here, I wanted to live with my mom and dad, I wanted to have a big happy family. Then a faint sound, it sounded like... like I don't know what it sounded like. My mind went blank out of ideas. The last thing I heard was a long and high pitched


I was gone...

Thanks for reading!! <3


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