Chapter 7

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Hey sorry its been so long, I just didnt know what to write so I started a new book, and I will be going back anf forth between the two. I hope you like it, and telll me what you think PLEASE <3



I don't remember much of the past few days, even though they seem to creep by, slower and slower everyday. My eyes are open, and people are talking to me. People in white lab coats, to men in black shirts, and even one or twice Rowen came to see how I feel, well at least that's what I think she said to me. Every human that stands over top of me seems to some how start speaking in this slow motion, every word came out slow and drawn out, it was like they were just learning to read, sounding out every word, every syllable, every noun, and every question mark. I wanted to just reach up, grip them around the neck, and shake them violently till they wiped there face clean and end the stupid joke. Sadly, no matter how many times I try I cant move my hands, my legs, or the rest of my UN-cooperative body. My whole body seemed like it had been frozen, like every thing around me, and it would slowly, oh so slowly, UN-though. Yet it seemed to take weeks. Months. Years? I just wanted out, and I wanted out now!

My anger was at a peak and I just wanted to lash out at them and scream, Yelling at they to stop this stupid nonsense and tell me what the fuck was going on. And while I was coming down my mind, from the only score of anger relief I could actually use a man in a white lab coat moved into my line of vision. He seemed to be walking around me to my left side. The side were just out of the corner of my eye I could see a pole, with what I think was a heart monitor, because of the awful beep beep beep noise constantly coming from it. I also belived it heald my drip bag, that was contected to my IV. Well actully I didnt belive that, I was pritty sure on it. How can some one live with wout food and no hydration for weeks? Or how ever long I have been here for.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2013 ⏰

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