Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

By now John and Rowan had given up on taking chances, it was just to risky. Being attacked once might be ok, but twice... Now they were worried about every person that came around the corner. John had moved me into a secure 'holding cell' also know as a hospital room for crazy people. They had guards at each door, inside and out, and I wasn't aloud outside the room. They couldn't even tell me what they were protecting me from.  

The 'cell' was pure white, there were no windows, or even a TV. Across from my bed that I was lying on was a room that led to the also white bathroom. Next to me was a white night side table with a lamp, that was bolted to the table. And the same set up was on the other side. The floors were white linoleum slabs, like the ones that you see in schools. Staying with the white theme they had a white bed spread. My thoughts were interrupted as I heard some men talking outside of my room, yet the guards on the inside didn't seem to hear what I was and kept there body posture front and center.  

My heart stared thumping when I heard a key being turned. Paranoia had really set in because of my constant attacks. Because of them I had what they called and 'early on-set heart attack, but I liked to call it, pissing your pants and fainting'. I though I was going to have another 'heart attack' as the door nob started to turn. My hands started to sweet as my gripped onto the bedding. The door slowly opened, and John poked his head though. I took a big gulp of air realizing I had held my breath the whole time. 

"Don't you ever do that to me again!" I almost yelled at him. 

"Why? It's fun seeing you almost piss you pants because you were so scared!" he said to me laughing with a big grin plastered on his face.  

"How is that funny?" I reply trying to keep a stern face, but I'm pretty darn sure a smile broke through my lips. 

John stood there laughing at me as a tried to fight the urge not to laugh with him. But within momenta his face was clean and he was ready to get down to business. He looked at me his eyes piercing into my sole.  

"No but seriously what happened last night?" he looked at me, his eyes were still sharp. 

"That was last night?" I look at him totally confused.  

"Yeah... At least I think," he looked like he had been up for nights in end, "I don't know... The days have just been one big blur, I don't even remember what I had for breakfast."  

"John.. It's 6am I wouldn't be surprised if you haven't had any breakfast."  

He looked at me confused, "what it's 6am... I thought..." he looked at me, "I need to sleep." he said, "But I have just been so worried about you, and if you were OK. Your just so important!"  

I looked at him, "John before we even think about talking, you need to sleep." I looked at him as he pulled his hand through his grating hair. 

"Yeah, I guess your right!" he said walking over to me, "do you mind if I crash in your bed?" 

"No it's fine." I said scooting over to the right side of the bed, away from the door. 

He crawled in, and placed his head down and right away I knew he was out cold.  

"Sleep tight" I whispered in his ear before falling asleep next to him.

I was awoken by John steering in his sleep, rubbing my eyes I sat up and looked at the clock on the other wall. I sat there in disbelief, it was 6pm, we had slept for a full 12 hours, and I didn't assume we I would figure out what was going on till at least tomorrow. I reluctantly lean over and nudge John with my elbow.

"Wake up." I whispered, though I don't really know why, probably old habits kicking in. I tried it again this time louder, "Wake up!" I said just under a yell. I sighed, OK one more time I thought, "WAKE UP!" I yelled just above his right ear. 

John sat straight up, "What going on, who's dieing?" he said though a yawn.

"No one!" I looked at him smiling, "you slept for 12 hours."

"Shit!" he said, pulling his hand out from under the covers

I looked down at his emerging hand, and right away I knew something was wrong. Hes hand was dripping in fresh blood. 

"John look at your hand!" I cried out.

I could hear the door opening, from the outside, someone had heard me. I ripped away the blankets to find the bed was as wet as his hand. My eyes trailed down my body to find my bandages that were covering my cut. It looked like blood was poring out, my eyes found themselves getting blurry. I looked over at the door as the doctor came rushing in. Why dose this keep happening to me I thought, and then for the third time everything was black, and I felt my body letting go.

Thanks for reading! <3


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