7/12/2018 - Friend Anniversary

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~~~ I'm not very good with words, but I hope this turns out slightly decent. This is for the friend who has stood by my side since high school, and I hope to convey to her with this poem that she is still very dear to me, even if we don't talk as much anymore (which is my fault). Anyways, thank you for choosing to read this, and I hope you enjoy it. ~~~

I met her when I was younger.
She has always been a beacon of light
In the dark for me, 
Her smile has never failed to brighten up my day,
And I have been blessed to see her grow
And change, even if we are no longer close. 

She was always beautiful,
Her eyes seemed to glimmer
Like the stars were born to glare at them,
Ashamed that they could never shine as bright,
Her smile was (and still is) radiant,
And I am fortunate that I once was able to see it,
But, as time continues to march on, she seems to become
Even more beautiful than she was then.

She was so sweet and adorable
That nothing I can ever write would
Do her justice. 
Every laugh, every smile, every word
Left an eternal mark on my heart,
And that's part of what makes her so beautiful:
She's too amazing to describe in words. 

I remember how every moment spent with her
Felt like heaven on earth.
I only wish that I cherished those moments
More than anything because
We are now several miles away, 
Both in mind and body. 

Yet my mind still drifts to you, 
My thoughts full of nothing but fondness for you,
As I am reminded of how thankful I am
To have experienced so many 
Wonderful things with you.

Though distance and time
Have separated us over the years,
I still, and always will, 
Consider you my friend: 
Happy (late) three year friend anniversary.  

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