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(edited a little, bc I didn't realize how bad my grammar was-)

Mark POV

"You seem very excited today" My stylist squealed, touching up my hair and make-up.

"Someone special is coming" I grinned ear to ear as I looked at my own reflection in the mirror and it was like if it was on cue, a tanned boy entered backstage with two other boys behind him.

He looks even more beautiful in real life. "Donghyuck!" I yelled, standing up and turning around to the boys direction which caused my stylist to startle beside me. Donghyuck didn't look my way and I frowned. Instead, I'm guessing the names of Chenle and Jisung pushed his shoulder lightly and pointed towards me. He bit his bottom lip and waved shyly. I waved back and walked closer to the angel as the two boys beside him left slowly.

"Hi, Donghyuck" I noticed him staring at my lips, and if I said I was blushing it would probably be an understatement.

"Hey, you okay? You look like a tomato" He laughed in a melodic tone which made my heart race twice as fast. Stop doing this to me Donghyuck..

"Meanie" I pouted, but he continued laughing for a few more seconds until he suddenly stopped and looked back at my lips.

He turned around and noticed his friends were gone. "Wait did you say something?"Donghyuck panicked, which made me think I said something wrong, so then I panicked.

"You're just really beautiful" I complimented and his face softened still eyeing my lips. Was there something on them? I licked my lips causing some of the product to smudge off, but he didn't look away.

"Mark! You're on stage in 10 minutes" One of the staff called out, interrupting our moment. My insides felt hot. Donghyuck is gonna see me on stage. Why am I getting nervous all of a sudden? He has obviously seen my music videos and heard my raps. I shook my head.

"Something wrong?" The beautiful boy mumbled.

I held his hand, and kissed his cheek. His eyes shot up to mine while blushing through his tan skin. I giggled, "Nothing. Will I see you after the show?" Donghyucks eyes settled to my lips again and he hesitantly nodded before leaving.


Donghyuck Pov

I looked in the crowd filled with fangirls. They had their mouth wide open and were jumping up and down before the show even started. At times like this, I feel blessed that I don't have to hear their dreadful screams. Some of them recognized me but were too shy to come near and say hi, so I waved at them, which made them jump even higher.

After searching for a few more minutes, I finally found the two brats I was looking for in the front row. 

'Why did you leave me?' I signed.

'We wanted you guys to be alone' Jisung signed back while smirking.

I stepped on his foot and felt accomplished when I saw his pained expression.

'Don't hurt him!' Chenle aggressively signed, but I could only roll my eyes.

Suddenly the lights went out and the show finally started. Mark appeared on stage and looked down at the crowd. Our eyes met and he winked, making me feel flustered and scared...scared that he will leave me once he founds out my problem.

Mark started dancing, then backup dancers approached behind him. He moved the mic close to his mouth and started rapping. I looked at the crowd and could tell by their lips, they were rapping along every line. Im stupid. Im an idiot. Why am I here? I touched the part of my cheek Mark kissed. His lips were soft. 

I glanced back at the stage. Mark was still rapping while moving his body smoothly. It got to a point when I was intensely staring, I didn't realize myself until Mark's gaze fell on mine and he stumbled a little. 

I panicked again. I nudged Jisung who was dancing beside me with Chenle. Once I got his attention and I took out my phone. I knew I couldn't talk because it was too loud or use sign language as it was too dark.


I wanna leave

whats wrong?

He looked up at me with concern, and before I knew it, tears formed in my eyes. Jisung took Chenle's hand who was shocked by the sudden pull and we started leaving the area. I covered my face and tried holding back the warm droplets that were urging to fall.


don't be sad, please
we'll get home soon, Hyuck 


a/n: I was supposed to upload yesterday- but I was busy, sorry 

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 

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