XXXI [End]

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The boys were cuddling on the studio's sofa, fully clothed. Mark ran his fingers through Donghyuck's damp hair who closed his eyes and melted from the affection. They were both flushed and tired since the scene right before wasn't exactly what you would describe as child-friendly.

Once again, that fragment of guilt still pondered in Mark's head. He kept it in for long and now it's getting intolerable for him. Mark only wanted to think of his boyfriend when they were together, not his stupid past. Before the boy knew it, he was crying.

He released his hand from Donghyucks hair and sat up while he tried to wipe his tears as fast as possible.

Donghyuck opened his eyes from the loss of touch and stared up at Mark. The perfect Mark Lee in his eyes was crying. 

"Bab, what's wrong?" The younger positioned himself up and hugged the boy from the side.

"I'm so sorry" He whispered, hiding his face with his hands.

"Look at me please"

Mark turned to look at Donghyuck, "I-I" He choked on his own words. He was scared to see what expression the boy was going to show. Was it going to be disgust, disappointment or horror?

"Don't cry, this is so sudden. But I'm here for you, okay? So tell me" Donghyuck cupped Mark's face with his hands.

"I'm selfish, I don't know how to explain it. You might think I'm using you, but I'm not Hyuck, I'm not." Mark put his hands on top of Donghyuck's who wiped away every salty drop that fell from his eyes with his thumbs. "Keeping it in for so long while I was with you made me feel like shit. All I did was play around with girls during the time you got abused by your mom. Was I just sexually frustrated or lonely? Think about it, you were only 14 and I was 15. Every night I would bring someone different over. This was before I was in SM, but I still continued doing this when I got accepted into the company. I wasn't even ashamed of myself. Then my fans started tagging me to your posts and I saw some of your questionable comments. To be honest I thought you were someone who wanted to hook up with me. So in the beginning- fuck, I'm sorry."

"You saw me as one of those girls right?" It was like a knife jabbed into the younger's heart. He couldn't understand most of the words Mark was saying as his sobs affected the way his lips moved, but he got around the idea. Donghyuck already knew about the whole fucking around with sluts thing, but being seen as an object to Mark when they first met? It breaks his heart.

"Donghyuck, I don't- I'm sorry, I'm so sorry baby. And before I met you I have never done it with a male, so I thought I would try it out since you were really cute."

"So were all those conversations we had was an excuse to get me on your bed?" Donghyuck let go of Mark's face, hands shaking. 

"No, please. Donghyuck, don't cry too. That was only at the start, but then we talked more and more. Those corrupted thoughts vanished and all I wanted was to make you happy. Later I found out you were hearing impaired and all I wanted to do was protect you. After we had sex for the first time, it hurt for you because I was ignorant. I was so used to doing it with a female and thinking about it now makes nauseated, but it also made me realize how much I want to change just for you?" Mark moved his hands towards the other boy but stopped halfway. What if he didn't want to be held? Mark would tear apart if he heard those three terrifying words, 'Don't touch me.'

"And you did change" Donghyuck's voice cracked, growing quiet. He wanted to make the other boy happy and protected too. Like he told Yukhei, Mark would have left him if he still saw him as a toy. "You love me, right Mark? You're not gonna leave me, are you?" But Donghyuck still needed reassurance.

"I love you more than you can imagine" Mark itched to touch him, "I will never leave you unless you leave me first" Another wave of tears flooded his eyes. 

"I love you too" Donghyuck mumbled, "You'll always be staying here" He pointed to his heart.

Mark cracked a smile, soon turning into a small laugh. Donghyuck brightened up too, leaning closer.

When they kissed, it was messy and felt foreign. Not a bad type of foreign, though. Their kiss felt 'closer,' more meaningful. It just proved that nothing can come in between them because their differences are what made them match. If Mark isn't there to shower Donghyuck with love he's always dreamed of and Donghyuck isn't there to show Mark what loving someone really feels like, what was the point of all this?

To put it into simpler words, you can clearly say that they fucked their differences.


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With my boys 2.0 ✊💦



haek-nojaem Im finally apart of the picture, thank you hyuck even though we've known each other for 8 years (':

Hae.llo @haek-nojaem mhm I gotchu <3

teenagerswithswagdrinkmilk jeno x chenle is currently living lately wow

L.Mark your shirt is l o o s e ;)

Hae.llo @L.Mark bc of you my ass is too (☞゚∀゚)☞

L.Mark @Hae.llo lets keep it that way ♡ ♡ ♡  

lonjin @L.Mark @Hae.llo there are children reading, stfu guys ˙ ͜ʟ˙

lonjin but I look hella fine, damn, would smash ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Hae.llo @lonjin you dumbass, but Im your friend so I'll support

Lele_Flower jisung looks squishy as always <:

mochisung @Lele_Flower wHy dOnT yOu SaY tHat To JeNo?

Hae.llo @Lele_Flower @mochisung giving up on you two right about now

want_nana_your_shit @Hae.llo chensung needs time, maybe a few years until jisung grows some balls

mochisung @want_nana_your_shit my balls are very healthy, thanks

blinded_by_donghyucks_looks oh shit isn't this like the same post when mark finally noticed him?


a/n: the end ;) wonder where mark's producer went.

ik it feels so unfinished and shit, but it had to end one way or another. Like we didn't even get to know if Jaemin got accepted into SM if yall remember from the third chapter-

sO I wanted to do a q&a thing bc it looks fun. If you guys want to ask the characters or even me any questions, check out the next chapter ;D

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

fuck our differences ;; markhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now