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(Anything written in here that might be offensive is only for the purpose of the story ♡)

Mark entered the little coffee shop as the smokey and nutty scent hit his nostrils. He grimaced. The boy was never a fan of the popular caffeine drink and the real Donghyuck would definitely know.)

He glanced around until his eyes landed on a broad-shouldered boy holding a particularly phone. The phone case was red with the letters of Haechan written in black. Pretty hard to miss. Mark lowered his head and walked towards the boy.

Mark thought that the person who got a hold of his boyfriend's device was one of those female fans that wanted more from him than just his music and it was funny. If this happened before he met Donghyuck and it was his own phone he was trying to get back, he would give them exactly what they asked for. It astonished Mark too at how fast he changed.

The unknown boy noticed Mark's presence and smirked, setting down the phone beside him. He gestured Mark to sit down and he did, sitting right across from the boy.

"Look," Mark sighed. "I already knew you weren't Dong- Haechan before coming here, but I came anyway because I need you to hand that phone back"

"No greetings?" The other boy chuckled as he played with the straw of his iced coffee. "I already know his real name his Donghyuck" 

Mark raised an eyebrow. "How?"

"First of all, I'm Yukhei. Donghyuck and I have a bit of history" The so-called Yukhei smiled, recalling the memories. "He looked awfully familiar to me when we passed by each other at the convenience store. I didn't say anything because I thought it would be weird, but luckily for me, he dropped his phone on his way out." 

"What do you mean, history?" Mark gritted his teeth. Does he even have the right to be jealous?

"Im not finished," Yukhei's smile grew. "I grabbed his phone from the ground as the lock screen opened and showed a picture of the both of you. Then I instantly knew, 'oh hes the Haechan kid from Instagram who hangs out with the rapper Mark Lee' but not only that, he looked like the Donghyuck boy who confessed to me years ago"

Mark tried his best to stay calm. When did he get so possessive? Donghyuck is a normal person. He had his past and so did Mark. But the rapper can't help but get a little annoyed. 

Yukhei continued, "I was surprised he didn't have a passcode for his phone, just like Donghyuck. Turns out you guys were dating. I know I asked, but I actually didn't want to meet up, I mean who wouldn't want to text a famous person and pretend to be a snobby bitch? Maybe ruin a relationship for the fun of it? But then you said the name Donghyuck and you really did want to meet up. You only live once right? I Also wanted to know why someone like you would be with such a problematic, sensitive child when I couldn't."

"Don't you fucking talk about him like that. Who the hell do you think you are? Do you feel all high and mighty just because you stole someone's phone who coincidentally is dating a person with a reputation unlike you, a filthy bastard?" Mark spit as he tried his hardest to keep his fist's down. Some of the customers gave them weird stares, but he could care less right now. "Weren't you guys together?"

Yukhei's amused face fell. "If you have such a reputation you wouldn't want me reporting you to your company about the whores you've been with, or even telling Donghyuck? No? So don't call me a filthy bastard and if you're going ask how I know about your past experiences, you're what they ever talk about in clubs and bars."

Mark took in a sharp breath. He could let the boy report him to his company, but there is no way he would let him tell Donghyuck. So Mark stayed quiet and kept himself from blurting out the explicit bundle of curses stuck in his throat.

"And I never said I accepted his confession. We were friends before the incident, but after he lost his hearing he was a total mess. Donghyuck, his family, and his career all crumpled. Even after all of that, he still managed to confess to me, but I didn't want to deal with any of his issues so I rejected him. I mean he lost all of his hearing for crying out loud. He can't be fixed." Yukhei spoke without shame or guilt which ignited fire in Mark's eyes.

Mark stood up and lifted up his heavy fist. He punched Yukhei against the jaw as sounds of bones crackled from the both of them. He heard gasps escaping from every corner of the shop, even the staff stopped to watch. Mark blinked a few times before he had realized what he has just done.

Yukhei held his face as blood trickled from his mouth. He was about to stand up and throw a fist back, but the others boy's movements caught him off guard.

Mark grabbed Donghyuck's phone from the table, "Nice talk" He said before he rushed out of the coffee shop. He would be lying if he said he wasn't maybe the tiniest bit relieved that Donghyuck didn't go out with that jerk. But then again, Mark thought Donghyuck deserved so much more than to be with someone like himself, the stupid rapper 'Mark Lee'.

All he knew right now was the fact that Yukhei was the reason why Donghyuck was so secretive and still is about his hearing. Because that son of a bitch made him feel as if a person like him can't be always loved or accepted? That Donghyuck was unfixable? 

'Your dick is what is gonna be unfixable once I rip it out and put it in a blender.'

'There's nothing to fix in a perfect angel.'  

Mark shook his head and tried to start his car engine with his right hand. Unfortunately, his fingers got broken at the joint of his knuckles (minus the thumb) when he punched Yukhei and only now Mark started to feel the excruciating pain.


a/n: ahahaha I don't know what the fuck Im doing bc Mark was actually supposed to meet a girl he has slept with but I made him meet Lucas instead. So that kinda changed the whole storyline LMAO- if you have any questions don't be afraid to ask me

also that dream vlive though, markhyuck got on another level fam

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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