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Donghyuck peered opened his eyes, noticing an unfamiliar bedroom. He rapidly sat up, feeling pain in his lower regions from the quick movement. The boy glanced down finding himself fully naked, but what made the situation even more overwhelming was the sleeping Mark next to him only in his black boxers. Damn, how could he ever get tired of his godlike sculptured face and well-toned body?

As he kept his eyes on Mark, he started spotting hickeys on his neck and soon enough images from last night began to flood in Donghyuck's head. He looked away and ran his fingers through his fluffy bed hair, 'I lost my virginity, wait does it even count if it's in the-'  His thoughts were interrupted when he felt a warm hand on his bare shoulder.

"Hey..." Mark yawned as he caressed Donghyuck's shoulder to gain his attention.

Donghyuck turned around, "I can't believe we had sex." He grabbed the blanket from his thighs and hastily hid his intimate parts, even if Mark has already seen them.

Mark frowned, "Im sorry. I was supposed to make you feel better, not make you worry more." But of course, Donghyuck didn't hear him as the younger kept his head low. Mark moved his hand from the boy's shoulder to his chin and turned it around so they were now facing each other. "Do you regret it?"

The younger stared at Mark's lips. They were a little darker than usual, probably from the rough kissing. "No..." Donghyuck tried whispering.

"Oh, thank god" Mark sighed in relief, leaning closer to Donghyuck until the distance between them was gone and their lips layered on top of each other. 

Donghyuck moved back before Mark could actually start the kiss, "But what does that make us?" He blushed.

"Uhm I hope, boyfriends?"

"Rest in peace, bab..." Donghyuck huffed,  pouting.

"Just change the meaning to best awesome boyfriend, so you can still call me it if you like it that much." The older pinched his tanned cheeks. "But only me."

"Aww" Donghyuck cooed, feeling very touched. 

Mark suddenly widened his eyes, "I almost forgot. I practiced something for you" He relaxed and wore a soft smile.

Donghyuck broke his stare from Mark's lips to his hands.

'I love you' Mark signed proudly, but his smile slowly fell once he saw Donghyuck's discomforted expression. "Baby, whats wrong?"

"Mark, you're the cutest little rapper for practicing sign language for me, even after I told you not to and I'll always be grateful and love that about you," Donghyuck's blush deepened before he hesitantly spoke, "...But my ass is killing me"


a/n: so that happened. 0-100 real fast, ik bRo

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