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*This chapter contains smut (which is probably badly written) so if you're uncomfortable with it then I recommend waiting for the next update*


open your front door


aw just do it,
you'll get your sleep later
maybe  😌

Donghyuck groaned and crawled out of bed half asleep. He put on a black hoodie and made his way downstairs. Even if he was trying to avoid sleeping with Mark the whole week, he wouldn't just let him freeze outside. 

Once he got to the front door, he took a deep breath before opening it. It was dark, but he had the moonlight make out Mark's facial features. Of course, focusing on his lips the most. "Hey, what are doing here?" Donghyuck yawned while scratching his nape.

Before Mark answered, he rested his hands on the youngers waist making the boy blush and stepped inside, closing the door behind him. "Im here to make amends with your ass" He whispered in Dongyucks ear, knowing he would only feel his breath fanning across his earlobe.

Donghyuck shivered and slightly pushed Mark away. "That's not fair, you know I can't hear you" He pouted. "Anyways, lets just go to my room. Dad's sleeping so be quiet sweetie" The younger interlocked his fingers with Mark's.

They entered the bedroom and Donghyuck immediately laid down, leaving room for the older beside him. "Goodnight bab"

"Baby, you're not as slick as you thought" Mark got on the bed and hovered on top of the younger, putting his hands down on the mattress on either side of Donghyuck's head. "Im here because I finally know why you have been avoiding me, and it makes me upset you didn't tell me yourself" He slowly moved a hand down to the younger's upper thigh.

"Haha- I don't know what you're talking about, maybe we should just sleep?" Donghyuck awkwardly laughed, patting Mark's shoulders. "Hey, did you dye your hair? It looks like a lighter shade of brown than before, I like it-"

"Don't change the subject"

"Well its embarrassing!" 

"Shhh," Mark shushed and leaned down to peck Donghyuck's lips. "Last time it hurt for you because I was stupid and didn't do it properly. So can we try again?"

"I don't think we should..."

"Please? I'll immediately stop anytime you want"

Donghyuck moved his hands from Mark's shoulder to his face, rubbing the boy's cheekbones with his thumbs, "Fine, but don't think I won't like you just because you're bad at sex."

"It would hurt my pride if I really was bad at it" The older laughed, leaning in again, holding their kiss even longer. 

Their lips complimented each other as Donghyuck began to relax and his hands managed to find themselves in Mark's hair, curling the brown locks between his fingers. He parted his lips little, letting out an unsteady breath and Mark took the chance to slip in his tongue, tentatively tasting around the younger's warm, sweet mouth.

The older let go of the kiss, and tugged on the end of Donghyuck's hoodie, lifting off the black fabric just to press small kisses across his perfect tan skin. He started from the collarbone all the way down to his waist. Donghyuck squirmed underneath him as his face turned into a light shade of red.

Mark could already feel his own pants tightening, needy for release. He glanced at Donghyuck's face before sliding the boy's shorts off along with his boxers, revealing a semi-hard on. Donghyuck tried covering himself but Mark stopped him. "Don't cover your beautiful body. I've already seen everything, haven't I?" He smirked and took out a packet of lube from his pants before taking off his own clothes. He tore the packet and put half of the clear liquid on his fingers.

Donghyuck closed his eyes with his blush being vibrant as ever. He felt Mark's hands on his thigh, spreading them further apart. Mark kissed his forehead and inserted one of his coated fingers in the younger's entrance. Donghyuck breathed heavily and grasped onto the bedsheets tighter each time Mark's finger thrusted into him. Just when he was getting used to it, Mark added another finger which caused Donghyuck to open his eyes and moan.

"It hurts.."

"Baby, its gonna feel better soon. Hold your voice in a little for me, your dad might wake up"

The younger nodded, puckering his lips a bit and Mark gladly kissed him again. 'Why is he doing so much for a person like me?'  Donghyuck thought as he felt Mark's lips caress against his own.

Again without a warning, Mark inserted another finger. Now three fingers sinning into Donghyuck's tight opening. The younger tried his best to hold in his moans, but they had their ways of escaping. After a few thrusts, Mark hit Donghyuck's prostate making the boy bite his (Marks) bottom lip and break the kiss.

Mark would a good boy and let Donghyuck get used to it more, only if he wasn't already dripping with precum from the sight of his lover so vulnerable and weak. He took out his fingers, noticing Donghyucks hole trying to clench around nothing. "Im gonna put it in, okay?" He asked while putting the rest of the lube on his member.

Donghyuck laid there panting as he tried to catch his breath. Mark positioned himself at the boy's entrance. He slipped in it easier than last time and smiled to himself, loving the feeling between him and the youngers walls. Mark dipped his head down to the crook of Donghyuck's neck, biting and sucking the sensitive skin which caused the boy to arch his back and shudder. Mark lifted his head up, noticing the white fluid smeared against his and Donghyuck's chest. "I didn't even move yet and you cummed already?" He giggled.

Donghyuck frowned as his cheeks heated up even more from the embarrassment.

"Sorry baby you're just so cute"

"...y-yeah...well p-please start moving"

That was all it took for Mark to buck his hips and start thrusting into the boy. Donghyuck tried covering his mouth with his hands to keep himself from being too loud, but they were soon replaced with Mark's lips.

Mark reached for Donghyuck's member, using his thumb to rub across the slit. The younger quivered as he wrapped his arm's around the older's neck, deepening the already lustful kiss. Even through this special moment, Mark felt guilty. Donghyuck doesn't know he's with a guy who has played around with more girls than the number of days he has gone to school. The guy who became a rapper just because he can rhyme a few lines and get a slut laid down on his bed. The same damn guy who somehow fell for Donghyuck, a hearing-impaired boy who likes to look at hot dudes on Instagram. But Mark would change, change his whole future just for him.

The older began thrusting harder, this time, hitting Donghyuck's prostate with each thrust. Donghyuck clenched tighter around him as Mark's member twitched, sending vibrations inside the younger. 

Mark pumped Donghyuck's member faster as the boy dissolved into the double sensations. 

Donghyuck disconnected their lips as he tried to say something but no words wanted to be pronounced. Mark noticed the younger was close and that only motivated him to quicken his movements even more and soon after low moans escaped from both their mouths as they reached their climax together.


a/n: You don't know how happy I am to finally finish this chapter like, oml it took me 9283942923749273849 years, im sorry

also excuse any grammar mistakes, I'll eventually fix them

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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