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(uhm idk if the chapter is that steamy, but warning ???)

The music ended in the recording studio.

Mark gulped, trying to catch his breath as he looked through the wide window that divided the two sides of the room. Its been three hours and the boy has been practicing his rapping non-stop, more than usual, of course. SM said it would look 'bad' to the public when he performs with his cast on, so until his fingers get better, he's on break from concerts and has to work on his music restrictedly.  

His producer on the other side of the screen pressed a few of the many buttons then smiled ecstatically at him. "You seem more into the lyrics lately" 

Yeah, no shit. Marks songs all have those innuendos related to mature themes, but now, since more than half the lyrics he says makes him think of a certain someone he can actually feel the real meanings of the words rather than just some imaginary stuff he improvises. Even if the person he raps about can't hear him, he always has his ways of showing him.

"Hmm, I wonder why" Mark let out an awkward laugh. "Are we done for today?"

"Yes, good job, Mark"

The rapper thanked him and took his headphones. He stepped out from the mini-room and into main one, grabbing a water bottle from the coffee table, contemplating how he would open it.

"uhm" A quiet voice peeped from the doors.

Mark turned his head on reflex and was greeted by a red-faced boy. "Aw, Donghyuck..." The older's feet moved on its own, forgetting about his dry throat and only focusing on the sunshine in front of him.

It was like if Donghyuck really was the sun. The boy was literally a heater inside. This was probably the first time he has come to visit Mark on his own will. Donghyuck just never takes the initiatives in real life. In a text he could straight up tell Mark 'I love your milk the best' and in real life? Good luck. But his duality is one of the things the older adores about him anyways.

Mark pecked his cheek, "Am I dreaming?" 

"Want me to pinch you?" Donghyuck giggled, as Mark smirked and raised an eyebrow.


Both the boys broke from their own little world, putting their attention on Mark's producer. "I'll give you two a moment. I have to talk to your manager."

Mark nodded while the man got up from his chair and left the studio, leaving the two alone.

"Y'know, its been four years since I've been in one of these" Donghyuck turned his body to face the room with the mic. Mark back hugged him, resting his chin on the boy's shoulder.

"I wonder how you sound like. Can you scream in my ear? Maybe if you're loud enough, I could hear you." He deadpanned, as the other boy shook his head in denial. The younger felt the movement and sighed.

Mark started peppering kisses along the boy's neck and jaw, as Donghyuck trembled under the touch but continued to speak.

"Even if we're dating, I envy you bab. I really do. Don't you find it kind of amazing how you're a rapper from the company in which I trained to become a singer? That Im with someone who is living my dream? I wonder how things would have been if I could still hear. Would we have just been- oh that tickles, wait no, stop biting me!"

The older spun Donghyuck around, so their faces were inches apart. The younger instantly moved his eyes to Mark's lips. "Hey liste- look baby, don't you ever feel jealous. Especially of me. And it is a little coincidental that I'm apart of SM when you were before, but I'm not living your dream. I know you could have done and can do so much better than me. I want to see your narcissistic side more, okay? Don't be afraid to do something just because you're scared of what people will think about you, including me. Like, you finally told everyone you couldn't hear, and that was the second happiest feeling I've felt ever."

"What's the first?"

"The first happiest feeling is a constant one, which is every second I'm with you"

Donghyuck dropped his eyes from Mark's lips and onto his casted hand which was caressing the boy's upper thigh. Remember when he called the older a tomato the first time they met? Yeah, that's nowhere close to how radiant and hot Donghyuck's face was right now. The nerves on his body were ecstatic and needy. His heart felt like it could explode in one poke.

Mark loved the effect he had on the boy, he loved how he could only make Donghyuck this flustered and embarrassed. He lightly blew on the youngers forehead as the boy looked up to meet Mark's eyes instead of his lips. The older pulled him closer, their chests barely touching. They both knew what was coming. Mark brushed his lips against Donghyuck's, feeling the heated breath emitting from the younger boy.

Now Mark remembered he was thirsty. His throat was dry. He dipped lower as Donghyuck wrapped his arms around his neck. Their kiss was slow and comforting, but your author likes to escalate things so Mark sneaked his left hand up Donghyucks shirt, touching the warm, tan skin which he was yearning to peek at. They picked up the pace, their lips messily colliding with each other.  The younger shivered, parting his lips and letting out a soft moan. And Mark could feel himself getting harder at the sound. Donghyuck noticed too, and moved one hand from Mark's neck to his sweats, rubbing around the clothed area, but right before he slipped his hand inside, Mark broke the kiss in a low grunt.

Donghyuck pouted, "Hm?"

"Baby, we have to lock the door first"


a/n: my inspiration for this chapter, my role model, my hero, 

a/n: my inspiration for this chapter, my role model, my hero, 

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wait wrong screenshot, whOoOPS

wait wrong screenshot, whOoOPS

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there ^

sorry for any grammar mistakes, probably will fix them later ;) probably.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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