Chapter 6

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Day 15

Work was pretty painful. Courtney was supposed to have the day off, but since she was training me she had to work. To say she was pissed off would be an understatement. On top of that, Marissa was here, and while Courtney seemed to dislike everyone, I immediately understood why she hated Marissa. Marissa was overly excitable, shallow, and outspokenly dumb. Everything that came out of her mouth was something a sixth grader would say. Also, she had trouble counting out the customer's change correctly, even when the computer told you the right amount. So there's that.

When I first came in, Courtney didn't waste a minute to ask why I had left so quickly and randomly the previous night.

"I got tired," I said as her eyes scanned me. I should've known better than to lie to her. I hadn't known her for very long, but if there's one thing I knew for sure about Courtney, it's that she questioned everything.

She squinted her eyes at me but started our training without another word.

When it was noon, Marissa gathered her belongings.

"It was sooo great meeting you, Jamie. It's so nice to have another girl our age working here," she cooed.

"Of course," I replied politely.

"Don't you have a shopping sale to get to, Marissa," Courtney inquired expressionlessly, clearly pleased that Marissa was off her shift now that the morning rush was over.

Marissa narrowed her eyes at Courtney and huffed. "You're lucky you even still work here, Courtney."

Courtney shot her a disgusted smile. "What? And leave you here to manage all by yourself? Your dad is a lot of things but stupid isn't one of them."

Marissa flipped her frizzy hair with a loud huff and began to head towards the door when it opened. John and Fletcher strolled in. It was the first time I had seen him since Monday at the beach.

"Fletcher!" Marissa said, trying to sound casual even though we could all hear the excitement in her voice. I watched as Fletcher gave her a nod, running a hand through his hair as he eyed me.

"Two hot chocolates, please, Jamie. Go!"

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Excuse me?"

"You're training aren't you?" he said, coming to sit at the bar closest to me, completely bypassing Marissa. John followed. "Well I'm your first customer and I'm a hot chocolate critic. If you can impress me, you're sure to be a star."

I rolled my eyes. "Please. I think I can make a hot chocolate."

As I got to work on the most perfect hot chocolates, I heard Courtney say to Marissa, "That sale isn't going to last forever."

I heard the door open and close, knowing that Marissa was now gone as everyone's tension seemed to dissipate.

"So," Courtney said now. "What's going on tonight?"

"Kyle said he's getting a keg at his place," John replied. "Brendan said he'd bring the liquor."

I could almost see Courtney rolling her eyes. "Of course he is."

"How are those hot chocolates coming?" Fletcher called to me.

I turned and glared to him as I kept steaming the milk. "Good things take time, asshole."

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