Chapter 14

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Day 37

Fletcher was gone.

I had woken up not long ago and noticed that he was still next to me, his hand gracefully resting on my torso. I must have fallen back asleep, and in that time he had gotten up and left.

I got out of bed and went downstairs still in my tank top and pajama shorts to get some coffee and almost shrieked when I entered the kitchen. There sitting at the table was my aunt and Fletcher. Hanging out like they were old friends. When they saw me come in, I'm sure I must have looked awe-struck.

Fletcher smirked. "Good morning, Sleeping Beauty."

I glared at him and then looked at Monica, who looked a little uncomfortable--then again when did she not--but still poised. She smiled tightly at me. "Good morning, Jamie. We made coffee."

"I see that," I said hesitantly, not making a move to pour a cup.

I could tell Fletcher was silently laughing at me. I knew he was enjoying this far too much.

"How long have you been up?" I bit at him, attempting unsuccessfully to sound unfazed.

"Only about five or ten minutes," he said dismissively. "John's on his way to pick me up though so we can change and then go surfing."

"Oh," I said, feeling relief wash over me. I finally went and got myself some coffee, sitting down at the table in between Monica and Fletcher. "Well text me when you get out there and I'll meet you guys."

"Actually," Monica said, brushing a few excess strands of her bun behind her ear. "I was hoping we could go off the island today. You haven't seen the mainland at all and downtown has some great shopping."

I must have looked stunned and not very excited because I felt Fletcher lightly tap my knee under the table with his. He quickly cut in for me. "That sounds like fun. You should go, Jamie. Downtown is beautiful anyway. You have to see it."

I opened my mouth to protest but he kept going, "Plus you've hung out with us at the beach almost every day this past week. You should go with Mrs. Prescott."

I looked back at my aunt, who was staring at Fletcher with quite an impressed look. "Okay," I mumbled, trying to hide my displeasure.

"I'm sure I'll see you tonight anyway," he said, his phone buzzing. He glanced at it and then stood. "John's here."

I stood as well. "I'll walk you out."

"No need," he said disparagingly. He then leaned in to give me a tight hug and then disappeared from the house. When the front door opened and closed, I let out an uneasy breath and then looked back at my aunt.

She was watching me analytically as I sat back down and took a nervous sip of caffeine. She did the same before killing the awkward silence. "He seems very nice."

"He is," I replied.

"You like him." It sounded in between a question and a comment.

I shrugged. "Yeah."

"You guys seem to be getting pretty serious."

"Sort of."

She drummed her fingernails against her coffee cup, then stopped and took a deep breath like she was going to say something she was completely nervous about. We both waited as her inhale hung in the air, waiting for the words to come out. Instead, she exhaled loudly and stood. "Well, we should get dressed and go before it gets too crowded."

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