Chapter 7

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Day 16

I woke up to my phone buzzing on my bedside table. There was a slight ache in my head as I reached for it, looking at the screen with a yawn.



I recalled everyone exchanging numbers with me the night before, but was surprised that Lucy was calling me already at nine in the morning the next day. Her voicemail sounded jumbled at the beginning as I heard yelling.

"No I want a latte-Hey, Jamie. It's Lucy. Get your ass over to Beach Brew stat. We need details from last night. If you don't get over here in ten minutes I'll call your phone until your battery dies. Okay, see you soon, bye!"

Sighing, I got out of bed and threw on a pair of shorts and a shirt. Neither Monica nor Michael were downstairs so I left, grabbing the bike off the front porch and pedaling towards the main part of town.

I was there in just a few short minutes and entered the coffee shop right as my phone started ringing.j

Courtney was behind the counter, brewing coffee, while Michelle, Avery, Lucy, and Brooke were sitting on some bar stools, facing her with their backs to me. A few other customers were scattered around the shop at various tables.

I came and sat in the empty seat next to Brooke, and they all finally noticed me.

"Jamie!" Lucy shrieked, hanging up her phone. My ringtone cut off abruptly. Go figure.

"For the love of God, Lucy," Courtney said, massaging her temples. "If you scream one more time, I'll throw you out."

Lucy rolled her eyes and replied sarcastically. "Sure you will."

"Here, have another Advil," Michelle said, reaching into her purse and grabbing the plastic bottle, tossing it to Courtney.

Brooke smiled over at me. "How are you feeling?"

"Fine. It's a bit early though."

"You can thank Lucy for that," Michelle said. "She woke all of us up an hour ago."

"I passed out so early last night I missed all the fun so sue me if I'm anxious to hear the juicy details," Lucy huffed.

Courtney handed me a mug of black coffee and I thanked her. She ignored it and sighed. "Okay. Let's get this over with. Fill the bitch in."

Lucy smiled sweetly at her. "How's Kyle this morning, Court?"

"Fuck you," Courtney snapped at her, but Lucy just laughed like this upsetting conversation was routine. "He really crossed the line last night."

"What'd he say?" Avery asked.

"First of all," she said. "We were supposed to have a chill night with just you guys. And then once you all left we could have some alone time. But no, he has to get a keg and throw some stupid party. It's like he doesn't even want to spend alone time with me anymore."

"I don't think that's it, Court," Michelle said.

"Well as if him bailing on our alone time isn't enough, he has the nerve to introduce me as his friend to these three guys who came out to smoke with us. His fucking friend."

"Idiot," Lucy said.

"So I left. I just can't with him anymore. Like, what's the point?"

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