Chapter 16

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Day 46

"Hey girls," Avery called as she came into the Beach Brew.

Like every other Monday, Courtney and I had dealt with a long, stressful morning full of overly enthusiastic new moms, grumpy old people, and impatient businessmen. Now that it was noon and the rush was over, it was nice to see a friendly face come into the shop.

None of us had seen Avery since Friday night. We all tried calling her but she refused to respond. Michelle went over to her house and said she was still in bed on Sunday afternoon, looking like shit.

I felt awful for convincing her to go to Kyle's Friday night. It probably was too soon, especially since Dan and Darcy are very much exclusive now. I had apologized to her multiple times over the weekend through text and voicemail, but I still wanted to do it in person.

"Ave," Courtney said, surprise imbedded in her tone as she poured steamed milk into the latte for an old woman at a table near the window.

Avery came over and sat at the bar where I was wiping down the counters. I asked, "What's up?"

She shrugged and said, "Ya know."

"What can I get you to drink?"

"I didn't bring any money," she said with a shake of her head.

"It's on the house," I protested.

She gave me a generous look with a tilt of her head and gave in. "Just a small chai tea latte."

I poured the milk and began steaming it while getting the rest of her order ready. Courtney left to give the latte to the sweet old woman at the window.

"I got your messages," Avery confessed.

"I'm-" I started.

"Please," she said, closing her eyes. "Stop being sorry, Jamie. It really wasn't you. I had fun that night. A lot of fun." She reopened her eyes. "Too much fun."

I smiled with a closed mouth at her and poured the milk into the chai before handing her the ceramic cup.

She proceeded, "It just kind of all hit me like a train the day after, on Saturday. I just felt like I hadn't really accepted that Dan had cheated on me until I saw him and Darcy that night."

"I know," I whispered. "I just hope you're doing okay."

"I'm much better," she promised as Courtney came back around, overhearing Avery's words.

"Thank God," Courtney sighed and then sarcastically said, "We all thought you might have died."

Avery giggled a little.

"Also," Courtney continued, looking sternly at Avery and I, "Next time I see that fucking asshole I'm going punch him right in the face."

Avery and I both laughed, catching eyes and shaking our heads.

"I'm serious," Courtney snapped.

"Trust me," I said, still laughing a little. "We believe it."

"Anyways," Avery pitched, raising her eyebrows at me. "How are you and Fletcher?"

"We're good," I said, tucking my hair behind my ear. "I took him home from Kyle's on Friday, we talked on Saturday, and then we went surfing yesterday. It just kind of sucks."

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