Chapter 8

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Day 24

Michael, Monica, and I left the house at noon to walk over to the Shaw's on the Fourth of July. The heat was so intense that I could feel sweat accumulating on my forehead just from the short walk next door.

In the Shaw's driveway were two pickup trucks, both almost full to the brim with a keg, tents, surfboards, coolers, firewood, and bags of towels, clothing and other various necessities. John, Kyle, Evan and Fletcher were piling still more stuff into one of the pickup truck that wasn't quite as full, while Michelle, Avery and Lucy sat atop the mounds of gear in the bed of the ruck, watching the guys work. Courtney was leaning against the side of the truck, texting on her phone and smoking a cigarette.

Lucy saw me and waved, "there she is!"

Everyone looked up and gave me a nod or a greeting of some sort before returning to their work--for the boys--and relaxing--for the girls.

As I was just about to join the girls in the truck bed, Monica grabbed my arm, stopping me. She thrust the bottle of wine and a bowl of her famous salad into her husband's hands who grunted.

"Go on inside," she told him. "I just need to speak with Jamie."

Michael huffed and headed inside. Kim and Carl were having a huge barbeque for all their friends, which my aunt and uncle were attending, much to Michael's dismay. 

"I have a lot of work to do tomorrow," Michael told Monica after she explained their plans for the holiday the previous night.

"First of all, tomorrow is Sunday," she started, her voice clipped. "And second, it's a national holiday. Your work can wait until Monday."


"We are going to go to the Shaw's and I am not going to hear one more complaint out of you," she shot at him with a glare that would probably frighten even Chuck Norris.

Michael had been compliant since, but still made sighs and grunts every so often, which Monica chose to ignore. Now as Michael disappeared into the Shaw's house, Monica looked composed as she released my arm from her grip, straightening her already perfectly straight dark hair with her fingers so it rested neatly on her shoulders.

"I know you're going to have a lot of fun on Jonesboro," she said, suddenly fidgeting with the hem of her white blouse. "I've heard the stories and I just..." Emotion cracked in her voice, causing her to stop and she quickly regained composure. "Well. I just hope you're safe. And that you can call me. If you need anything."

"Okay," I said, having to push my smile behind my lips because seeing Monica uncomfortable was like watching a dog on roller skates.

"Good," she said uncomfortably. "Well. I'll see you tomorrow night for dinner then."

And then she retreated into the Shaw's house before I could even respond. I watched her go, letting my smile finally show through. Even if she didn't know how to express it, it was nice to know that she truly did care.

"I think we got it all," Evan said and I turned to see the boys closing the truck bed door.

"It's about time," Courtney said, dropping the cigarette and putting it out with the sole of her flip-flop.

"Maybe if you guys made yourselves useful it would've gone faster," Fletcher played.

"We were useful," Michelle said.

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