the same perp

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You were assigned to the Brooklyn field office to catch a drug lord operating out of Brooklyn but you are not getting anywhere fast and it's bothering you.

"so (Y|N) have you gotten anywhere," your lazy partner asks for the millionth time. You wish you had a better partner. That's something you have to talk to your boss about.

"ok, how do you think I am going when my lazy as partner isn't anything," you say almost on the brink of losing your mind for the tenth time that day.

"quite bad" he replies with a glimmer of hope.

"Actually you are wrong I am doing quite well on my own in fact I set up a meeting with the boss and you are not invited," you say relieved that you forgot to invite your partner

"What is with the angered tone?" your partner says a little bewildered.

"well if you did anything around here I wouldn't be so hysterical," you say losing for the tenth time.

"anyway, I have to leave because I like being early"

"ok bye," your partner replies as you leave. You are at the bar\meeting point but he is occupied by someone else

"excuse me" you say announcing yourself

"Oh I'm sorry Jamie, I found this guy Jake and we got chatty," the perp says, indicating to the man sitting next to him. You get the feeling he is a cop but you let it go because you want to catch the guy.

"Hi Jake, so do you have the stuff I asked for?" you ask.

"yes I do," the perp says as he produces a small packet

"NYPD, FBI," you and Jake say at the same time as you handcuff his left arm and Jake handcuffs his right hand.

"oh boy, what just happened?" Jake asks. You can tell he is as stumped as you are.

"well this man is part of a drug syndicate that the FBI has been tracking for a while and my boss thought now would be the best time to..." you start to explain before you are rudely cut off. At least you caught the guy.

"look you both arrested me now can you take me back to whatever police precinct you two work at" The perp wines.

"perp's got point," Jake says with some sass. You wish you two were alone so you could teach him the FBI way.

"ok we will take you to the?" you say as a question because you don't know the precinct that Jake is from.

"The 99" he fills in the gap to your surprise.

"and I will talk to the person in charge and my name is not Jamie it's Agent (Y|N) (Y|L|N)" You decide to bust the perp's bubble of fun.

"But you look like a Jamie" Jake retorts

"can't I just get arrested by the Chick," the perp asks. You think it's fair because it's your case after all.

"See Jake the perp wants me to arrest him but that won't Matter I am still talking to your captain," you say a little too smug. Fifteen minutes later you and Jake are back at the 99. You and Jake are talking to captain Raymond Holt.

"well we have quite a problem and one that I have never had before," Holt says with his normal deadpan delivery.

"Should I talk to my boss?" you say a little fed up at what is going on.

"yes that would be a good idea" captain Holt replies agreeing with you

"but this... she took my perp" Jake complains like a little kid. At least you have dealt with his type before.

"but she is FBI" captain Holt snaps back. You are impressed that someone can keep him in line.

"let me just call my boss," you say as you take out your phone and speed dial your boss's number.

"Hello Aaron you know how I was supposed to bring in Owen Damien," you ask

"yes?" Your boss replies over the phone

"I've hit a snag someone from the 99th has arrested him," you respond. At least your boss will know what to do.

"can you put me on to the captain," your boss asks

"hold on," you say as you pass the phone to Holt.,

"This is captain Holt to whom am I speaking," he says again in his deadpan delivery

"Aaron Hotchner so Agent (Y/L/N) says one of your men arrested her man" he replies

"yes" Holt replies

"then they will work together" Hotchner replies and hangs up

"Jake you are not going to like this but you and (Y/N) are working together" Holt announces as he passes your phone back.

"Oh come on please can't I work alone" Jake pleas. Again like a little child.

"I'm fine with that" you respond to tease Jake.

"so as of tomorrow you will work here with Jake," Holt says checking if you understand which you do.

"ok good", you say happy that the snag is solved so you can go back to work

"Oh and I call dibs on the interrogation" you add insult to the injury.

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