There was a girl who you would have breif encounters with. She nice and kept to herself, much like most people. This girl was great person to be around, she was full of so much life. She had dreams aspiring to be a future model when she grew older. Though, there was an uncomfortable issuse that bothered most people.
She was incredibly skinny.
The girl who was named, 'Evette' seemed to look worse everyday. When you would ask her about it she would simply shrug off your suspicion with common answers such as;
"Don't worry, I'm fine!"
"It's a genetic thing, I'll grow out of it."
"Am I really getting thinner?"
"Hey! Leave me alone, alright?"
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Evette only continued to ignore your comments and questions and such. She seemed distant after a while, keeping more and more to herself. Evette started to give short responses as if speaking tired her. She lost a great amout of her energy, never participating in activities with others. Evette was quickly drifting away from everyone for some reason.
It had come to dangerous point in time where one day, she started to stumble around everywhere in a dizzy, hazy trance. Evette held on to nearby objects to steady her. She even gripped on your shoulder to her regain her balance once. Then, suddenly as you two walked down a side walk, Evette slumped foward and fell to the ground, she had passed out.