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Today your boyfriend John took you with him to meet the Rolling Stones, friends of his. You like their music but you liked the Beatles wayyy more, but you were flattered that John was so keen that they meet you.

You stepped inside and there they were. "John! Who's the pretty girl?" One called out." This is me girl, y/n"
The boy walked up, your presuming mick jagger, he kissed your hand." Y/n, what a nice name for a nice girl." You giggled at this.

John went to talk to the others while this guy shamelessly flirted with you. He was about to put his arm around your waist when John rushes over." Bloody hell its like you didn't hear me say my girl" he rudely says."let's go " he says aggressively." John -" " lets go." He interrupts you. He pulls you by your arm and you get into the car. You guys don't say a word to each other.

You finally pull into your driveway and step out into the cool air. John marches over to the door." John what's going on with you?" You ask. He pushes the door open and you follow him inside." What's going on?! What's going on is you and muck jagger!" He raises his voice. " Christ John, nothing's going on!" You say frustrated." Yeah really?!" He yells." John I was only being nice!" You exclaim." Yeah really, so we're just gonna let him grab your waist?!" He yells." Why does it matter John?! I love you no matter what!" You yell back." Your fucking lying!" He screams." No I'm not, ok I love you!" You scream back. " then why did you make a fool out of me over there?!" He yells." John quit screaming like a fucking child! Get over it!" You step closer." Get over my girl hitting on someone else?!" He doesn't listen to you." You swine, you don't listen to anyone but yourself!" You yell. Then it happens. He smacks your face so hard, it stings. Tears fill your eyes. You run upstairs and hide yourself under the blankets, sobbing.

Eventually sobs turned to sniffles. You hear the door open, you wished you weren't here." Y/N?" John says.
He comes and sits next to you on the bed. He tries to touch you but you move away in fear. He cringed at this. You look away from him through the comforter." Can I see you properly, please?" He asked. You sit up and tears fill his eyes as he sees the huge red mark on your face." Oh y/n" he pulls you into a tight hug." I'm so so fucking sorry for hitting you I never ever should of done that. I'm so Sorry I love you so so much, will you forgive me?" He says sincerely. You feel happy being in his arms." Yes John, I'm sorry I let him flirt with me, I only love you. He hugs you tighter.

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