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You opened your eyes to bright warm sunlight." Ugh shut up sun" you groaned as you rubed your eyes. A chill ran through your spine as you stretched your arms out. Brrr. You shivered and turned toward  Ringo for some warmth. He isn't there.

" wonder where he went" you said to yourself. You got up and put on jeans and a sweater, brushed your hair and teeth and ran downstairs for a coffee. You noticed on the table was a little slip of paper . You were about to throw it in the trash when you realized it was from Ringo.  You opened it and read his scrawly hand writing. "Dear y/n, gone out with george, be back later. Lots of love, Ringo."

You put the note down and made yourself breakfast. You sat down in the living room and turned on the tv. It sure was better waking up to Ringos smiles than being cold and alone. That's ok he'll be home soon enough.

You were still a little tired and you had nothing better to do so you thought you may as well lay down and have a nap. You woke up feeling much better so you turned on the radio. You lay on the bed tapping your foot along with Elvis wondering what george and ringo are up to. Hopefully John didn't get them in to trouble again, he's so cheeky.

Your pretty sure you hear the front door creak as it opens and closes again. Finally he must be home." Ringo?" You call out." Uh just a minute love!" He says distractedly. You hear the closet door slam and you wander downstairs to see what he's doing. Ringo sprints through the kitchen to give you a hug. He quickly guides you away into the living room.

He turns on the telly pretty loud and holds you close." Are you alright, rings?" You look up at him." Yes of course" he kisses your cheek. You watch television for a while when you swear you hear somebody yell 'ouch!'
" Ringo, what was that?" You ask." Nothing nothing huh I didn't hear anything did you wow I really like this show hahaha..." he says fast." I'm going to the bathroom be right back" he gets up and walks to the bathroom.

You wait but you hear noises coming from the closet. You walk over nervously and open the door. You gasp as you see george covered in scratches nervously smiling at you." RINGO STARR!!!!" You yell as you hear him running downstairs." What the hell is going on? Why have you been so nervous and why is Georgie in the closet?" You ask." Uh we were playing hide and seek!" George says." Yeah hide and seek!" Ringo agrees. Your not convinced.

All of a sudden a little white kitten jumps out from George's pocket."please don't be mad!" Ringo wimpered." Run!" They both start sprinting with the kitten, Ringo dashes off towards the staircase, george towards the kitchen. You followed george into the kitchen he tried to duck into the pantry but he wasn't quick enough, he yelped as you grabbed the back of his t shirt.

" Come on geo, let's go and find Ringo." He follows you upstairs and you start to look around. You face palm as you see ringo under the blankets. You grab them and sit them both on the bed." Ok you two, what is going on?" You demand." Well we were walking and we found her all alone so we played with her and she followed us back here please please can we keep her?" He pleaded." Ok fine we can keep the kitten"  Ringo smiled from ear to ear.

"I love you, y/n" he kissed your lips.

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