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"Fuck it send," the chinese curses, throwing his phone on his bed.

He then hears dolphin laughs across the room, he looks at his younger stepbrother and furrows his brows.

"What?" The younger looks at Renjun, smiling mischieviously at him.

The young boy stands and sits on the other's bed, "Renjun gege is in love~" The elder shakes his head, "N-no I'm not!" He denies.

"You're so bad at lying, look at your face." Renjun was to busy protesting about his feelings that he didn't even notice the heat that's roaming around his cheeks.

"Shut up! Just go get the mushroom like nerdy kid at your school!" The younger blushes, red surrounding his face, cheeks mostly.

"Don't call him that! I'll top anyway," Renjun chuckles, "Doesn't seem like, Chenle." The dolphin screams, his voice audible from downstairs.

"If I only like you I would've kiss you to shut up," Chenle makes a disgusted face, "Go kiss Jaemin or whatever." Renjun widens his eyes, face getting red again, "H-how-"

"Your phone," Chenle says, pointing the device placed on the elder's bed.

"It says Jae-" The elder pushes Chenle out off of his room.

"I'll-" before the loud boy could even blabber nonsense the other already closed the door, locking it shut.

He goes to his bed and unlocks his phone.

1 missed call from Nana~

He smiles and calls the boy once again, he waits for minutes so Jaemin could pick up.


[ Renjun, I-I-I'm messed up, very messed up.]

The chinese gulps and bites his lip, telling the other to continue.

[ M-my feelings a-are a mess. ]

Light sobs are heard from the other line.

[ You s-stupid chinese a-a-also that n-nose freak..."

Renjun chuckles, signing before removing the words he's been trying to stay in his mouth.

This is no joke, Nana...

I love you...

So much.


Jaemin throws his phone, surprised of the dolphin-like voice he heard from the other line.

Donghyuck looks at him confused and gets the other's phone just to see that Renjun already hang up.


"WHAT THE HELL MOM!" The woman giggles, "Oh my lovely step son is in love~" She sings.

Renjun groans, "I HATE YOU SO MUCH CHENLE!" The dolphin smirks at his older step brother.

"Gege is in love~" Chenle and his mother cooed which made him sign in defeat.



in this story there is a-
I'll cut my ¿¿sentence//word?? know cuzzz no spoiling :))))

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