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There stood Mark with only his pants on making Donghyuck abruptly remove his gaze at the door, flustered. A pink-redish hue covered his face, a swarm of butterflies roamed around  his stomach. he hates what he's feeling right now. Why is it so hard to move on?

Silence filled the room for minutes. Mark was the first one to break it, clearing his throat then begins.

"So uhm," he pauses and looks at the tomato-faced boy, "I'm sorry, Hyuck," Mark waits for the boy to look at him again or even spare him a glance but nothing came. Donghyuck just looked everywhere, anywhere except Mark. The elder signs in defeat. "So yeah, sorry also Renjun," He looks at the chinese who was silent the whole time and just gives him a smile. "For disturbing your bonding together, I just happen to forget some of my things here including my tie. so uhm, that's why I happen to visit this room." he finishes and smiles at the two.

He then walks to the cabinet, passing by Donghyuck who's in the verge of crying. the younger bites his lip roughly, not that rough that could make his lip bleed though.

Renjun looks at the two, rolling his eyes and walks to the door. Donghyuck notices this action of the chinese so he stops him. "W-here are you going?" he asks and mentally curses to himself for stuttering.

Renjun chuckles, "I need some water." Donghyuck nods and remains silent again. He hates being alone with Mark at the moment. He just can't face all of this fucking situations that he's in. He can't take it anymore.

"S-So uhm, Hyuck... how was school?" Mark asks but nothing came, the elder scratches his back awkwardly.

"H-Hyuck," he signs deeply, "look i'm sorry, I know we both aren't yet recovering from what happened last night and I--"

"WILL YOU SHUT UP!" Mark was taken aback at the younger's break down.

"I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO YOU! I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU ANYMORE! E-ever since you came into my life, everything was taken away from me. You took my place as the top student of the school! You became the most popular fucktard shit i don't even know already!" Donghyuck exclaims. Mark still dumbfounded.

"Look, Mark, you mean nothing to me okay, I-I hate you! and I'll always will! b-but i--that was before--" he sheds a tear, "I can't because, because  you gave me a reason to exist, you became an inspiration and i hate it... i hate the fact that i can't hate you anymore, t-that my love for you will never go away. You showed me the true meaning of love and made me feel happy for once," Donghyuck breaks down and cries, letting all of his sadness out. it's hard for him, so hard.

Silence, once again. The sobs of the younger was the only noise heard. He knew it, he knew that Mark wouldn't even care-- until he felt weight from his back, arms wrapped around his body securely.

Donghyuck widens his eyes, surprised by the sudden action. Mark is back-hugging him. Donghyuck soon calmed down, his head resting on Mark's shoulder who's still hugging him from the back softly, full of love and care.

"It must've been hard," with those words, Donghyuck once again felt aggrivated. That was all what Mark has to say? It feels like he doesn't even give a shit about us anymore-- wait, was there even really an us from the start? These questions roamed around Donghyuck's mind, he was more than upset.

Without hesitation he breaks the hug, Mark shocked from the sudden action. The younger stood up with a unpleasant aura and a unhappy expression on.

"H-Hyuck what're--" Donghyuck cuts his sentence off, "Hyung-- will you just stop, stop, okay? If your  mission is trying to break my heart, break me into pieces then congrats! you've won. Infact i'll place you number one if you'd like--" his voice cracks,"G-guess what your price is," Mark furrows his brows, trying to cope up with Donghyuck's emotion.

"W-what're y-you trying--" he was again cut off by the younger. "Yup, dumb. Very very dumb. Well I guess your very happy and proud of your price, of what you won, of what you've done to me." Without allowing any words to come out off of Mark's mouth, Donghyuck already left, broken.

yup that was very dramatic and short(like changbin no i'm sorry) ...
sorry if i made mark an asshole but i promise i'll make the next chapter all focused to what Mark have been through :DD

Please leave a vote or comment! i'd appreciate that alot :DD

Anyway, I'm still skeptical of what ship i'll do for my skz fic no.2 :<< i was thinking of minsung but your recommendations made me think otherwise... ehehe

anyway, have a nice day! hope you enjoyed it! \(^0^)/


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