Chapter 9

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"Don't touch me!" I yelled as Ryan neared me. My body hit the peeling walls, as I try to back away. A sly smile crossed his lips as he took in the image of me cowering against the wall. His incisors glared at me through the darkness that surrounded us.

"There's no need to be afraid." he spoke calmly, "I already told you that I wouldn't hurt you." his voice took on an edge.

Hot tears poured down the side of my face, and before I could lift a hand to wipe them away he stood in front of me.

"Look at me," his voice becomes soft. He put his hand under my chin, and gently turns it so that I am facing him.

"I won't hurt you." He whipped away my tears, before dipping his head low, and connecting his lips with mine. The kiss became deeper. I let all my fears go and focused on his lips. As I began to relax into the kiss, he began to trail the kisses down my jawline. He trailed the little pecks down my jawline before hesitantly stopping at my neck.

I let him keep going, and at the last minute I felt them. His incisors dug into my neck. I cried out in pain, but he didn't stop. I could feel my body becoming weaker by the minute, and soon there would be nothing left of me.

As my body began to go limp in his grasp, a dark figure stepped into the room. He -

"Leslie, wake up." My body shook gently, as the words drifted in through my sleep. I opened my eyes and jumped at the sight of Ryan's face. Ryan noticed, and before he could step out of the car, I saw a look of hurt cross his features. I watched as he walked around the car. His strides were as graceful as a dancer. His beautiful face was scarred with the look of regret, and although he may have looked normal to the others, I could tell now that he is inhumanly beautiful.

I stepped out of the car and took a look around. There was one vacant cabin, and around it there was nothing but green. Tall bulky forest trees hid the cabin, while shading it at the same time with thick green leaves that sprouted from the top. Green freshly cut grass was all around the cabin as if it had been laid out like a blanket.

I bent down and brushed my fingers up against the green blade. I smiled as the fresh smell of grass hit my nose. I took one more look around while thinking to myself, ' This may be the only peace I'm going to get... even if I am on the run with a vampire.'

I turned around and looked at Ryan, "It's beautiful."

"I'm glad you like it." He smiled. The first smile since I found out what he was. As he smiled though, I couldn't help but look at his teeth. Those glamorous straight white teeth. The fake ones. The ones that hides the monster inside. My smile fell, and he noticed what I was staring at.

He stepped ahead and opened the door of the cabin. Before taking a step in he looked over his shoulder and said, "Are you coming? Or are you just gonna stand there?" I didn't missed the way his demeanor froze over and the side way glare he gave me. I nodded before following him in.

"Are you hungry?" he takes long fast strides into the spacey cabin. Inside there's red wood polished floors. It's so shiny I can see my face in it. A big black chase sits off too the the side of the room accompanied with two matching couches both sat on different sides of it. A wide flat screen sits in the middle of the room, and looks as though it hasn't been touched.

I turn to look at him, "No."

"I'm gonna go make you some food," he says before disappearing into a room I'm assuming is the kitchen.

I take a seat on the couch, and think about what I've just learned about Ryan. He's every girl fantasy dream. "A vamipre," I laugh to myself. He used to be my dream, but that was when I thought these type of things were fake. Now I realize they're real, and they're the things that go bump in the night. He's not human, but a creature. He's a monster. Can I love a monster? Can I love something that's not supposed to be real? Can I love something that's dark?

'I did love him.' I think to myself.

I still do love him, but this isn't right. I can't just let a creature, some dark thing, just stay in my life. I love him though. I love him so much it hurts just think that I might have to let him go. I don't think I can though. Maybe if I'd just give it a chance. Maybe I can live with this.

"Foods rea- why are you crying?" I don't notice I'm crying until he mentions it.

I wipe at my face, " I'm sorry," I look down, trying to hide my face with my hair.

He lets out a long sigh before going back into the kitchen. I follow him, and watches as he just stands over the sink watching his reflection. His body is stiff, and I can't help but wonder if he's going to get rid of me. I approach his body slowly, before wrapping my hands around his torso, and laying my head on his back.

"I'm sorry," I apologize again. He says nothing, but continues to stare.

"I still love you." I whisper into his back. He lets out a long breath before turning around and nuzzling his nose into my hair.

"I love you, too."


I Know I haven't updated in a while... well a LONG time, and I'm hoping you forgive me. I needed a break from this, and I had gotten a bad case of writers block. Also I was falling behind in like three classes. I had a 23 in one of them, and only had 2 weeks to bring it up. I did it though, so yeah. lol. I know it's short, I'm sorry, but I have to upload something to get started again.

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