Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I waited for him to fall asleep then went downstairs to use the computer. I kept all the lights off to keep from waking him. I sat down in front of the computer desk and pulled the dash board out.

I typed in his password and then proceeded to google. I clicked onto the search engine and typed in black eyes when mad. Nothing peculiar came up. There was nothing up there accept the pupils dilate, which really makes no sense to me.

So I typed in supernatural beings with black eyes. I know it's silly but every time I think of those eyes it's what pops to my head. I mean can you blame me? Everything has been weird lately. I mean that... whatever it was on Kat's neck was not a spider bite.

Nothing came up accept for demons, which I'm pretty sure he isn't one. I guess I'm just paranoid. I was about to shut off the computer but was stopped when a hand was placed over my mouth. I began to squirm letting out muffled screams into the dark.

"Shhh.... there's someone in the house." I heard Ryan whisper. I calmed down and he removed his hand from my mouth.

"What do you mean there's someone in the house? No one came through the front door and the back door is locked. The windows are locked to." I protested.

"No someone came through the front door, but you didn't see him." Ryan whispered. "Look the front door is opened." he was right. The door was slightly open swaying back and forth from the soft winds outside. How had I not heard anyone come in?

I felt fabric brush across my face, and let out a low screech. I know it isn't Ryan because he isn't wearing a shirt, and he's standing behind me. I turned around slowly seeking comfort from Ryan. He wrapped his arms around me, guarding me from whatever was in here.

I couldn't see much because the lights were still off but when I looked up Ryan's eyes were following something that was in the house. I heard an echo of someone laughing. It wasn't Ryan's though. This laugh was deep and murderous. Ryan's laugh is completely different, light and sweet.

"We need to leave. We have to run, OK?" he asked for my understanding. I nodded my head against his chest. I pulled away getting ready to run.

"Get on my back." he ordered.

"No, it's just gonna slow us down." I protested.

"No it won't. You will slow us down if you don't get on my back." he argued.


"Get on now!" his voice sounded deeper than usual. I jumped on tho his bare back, and before I had a chance to wrap my legs around his waste I was yanked off and thrown.

I landed on Ryan's glass table. I shrieked as I felt the glass dig into my side. My back hit the floor with the crunching of glass being heard. I Was yanked to my feet by my hair. I could feel pieces of my hair being ripped away. I cried out in pain, and tried to see who it was that was holding me.

I caught a glimpse of the man that was holding me by my hair. He's tall, at least six feet. He has shaggy blonde hair, an angular jaw line, and he looks like he plays some kind of sport... in high school? How could a guy in high school have so much strength? Maybe it's just the dark..

I was knocked out of my thoughts when I fell back into the glass. I felt a big piece dig deep into my right leg. I turned my leg over and pulled the piece of glass out of my leg. Blood gushed out of my wound like an over flow.

"Mmmm." I heard the man moan, "You smell sweet. Mind if I taste. I could be your taste tester." his face was soon in front of me with a wicked grin on it. He dipped his head low about to take a bite out of my leg. He was stopped when Ryan grabbed him by his neck, and thrust him across the room.

"Get out of here." Ryan ordered. I couldn't tell but I think his eyes had turned black again.

I crawled away from him toward the door. Fear pulsed through my body as blurs passed by me. I could barely see them but I could feel the whiplash of wind slap me in the face.

I had made it to the door, but stopped I wasn't leaving until Ryan came with me. I turned around looking for any sign of Ryan, but everything was still and quite. I stood up putting most of the pressure on my good leg.

I walked back deeper into the house. I limped my way to the stairs that led to the basement. I had been trained for this type of predicament, and I think it's time that I learn to fight for myself. I sat down on the steps and went down the steps on my butt.

I remember Ryan telling me that he had a weapon closet behind the cabinets in the basement. Once downstairs I went straight to the cabinets, and opened them. I moved the snacks out of the way, but saw nothing but a wall. I looked closer and saw a gap in the crease of the wall. I pulled on it and the cabinets and the wall opened up. I gasped taking a look around.

Nothing was in there except for... stakes? They were set up going from wood to silver. One of the silver ones had a pretty crilic design on it. I picked that one. If I'm going to kill you it's going to be with something pretty. I pulled on the wall again and the door shut completely. I turned around only to bump into something hard.

"What do you think your gonna do with that?" the man challenged me. I could see his face now that the lights were on. He had molted patches that littered his face. His skin was droopy and in some places it hung there as if it was going to fall of his face. The only thing beautiful was his water blue eyes, and golden hair. Even though it looked a little dull.

He reached for the steak trying to grab it out of my hand. Once he touched it though a sizzling sound ran through the room. He let out a retched scream. The steak had burned his hand making smoke rise from it.

"You bitch!" he yelled. He lunged at me with his mouth open. I saw two long canines protruding out of his mouth. I screamed and tried dodging him but was to slow. His mouth was clamped onto my neck within seconds. I tried pushing him off me but he was to strong.

Blood ran down my shirt at a rapid pace. With every slurp he took I could feel my life being taken away. I struggled against him which only made it worse. I took a swipe at his face with the stake and he jumped off me. Blood ran down the side of his face.

He held his face in pain, and I lunged myself at him. He dodged with ease. It was like trying to kill a fly. I kept trying and trying but his speed was incredible. I made one last swipe and missed.

"My turn." he spoke. His figure blurred as he ran toward me. At the last minute I stuck out the stake, and he ran right into it. Only half of the stake had been pushed into his body. He tried at the last minute to back off the stake before it reached his heart, but I shoved the rest of the stake into his heart.

He let out a loud cry and his body burst up into flames. It looked like fireworks had went off in his body setting him to flames. The fire had burnt his body to ash within seconds. It was like he was nothing but a scrap of paper.

"Leslie! Leslie!" I heard Ryan's voice but I couldn't do anything but stare at the pile of ash that sat on his basement floor.

Ryan stood next to me and wrapped his arms around me. I couldn't believe what I just saw... he died like a cartoon character. What was he?

"I'm sorry Leslie." I kept hearing Ryan repeat.

"Ryan, what the hell did I just kill?" I asked him.


Sorry for the wait. Had school work and in expected guest over the past three weeks. Hope you enjoy! Please excuse if there is, shortness, misspellings, and other errors. I wrote this on my iPod.


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