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  • Dedicated to My One Direction Family

This is my first fan fiction so please read and any ideas please feel free to comment. Vote/comment/fan please and I will update ASAP :)



**Becca's POV**


  "Don't let us down," I hear Katy Perry say from backstage.

  "I won't!" replies a very excited Niall Horan.

  I chuckle as he walks backstage toward where Mom and I are standing. I jump into my twin brothers arms. "Hey Becca! What did ya think?"

  I stared into those crystal clear blue eyes, the ones that match mine. I grinned like the Cheshire cat as I replied. "Honestly it sucked," I joked. He faked anger and put me down, turning toward the wall pouting. "Obviously it was awful since I got three yeses from some of the worlds biggest music critics," he replied smiling. He turns around as I hug him again saying, truthfully, “You couldn't have done better if you tried! I'm so proud of you!"

  I squeezed his torso and he squeezed me back. He nuzzled his nose into my shoulder. This was one of the moments where I think of how lucky I am to have a brother who gets along with me really well and always loves me. "Thanks. I love you, Becca."

  "I love you to, Nialler."

  I call him by the nickname I gave him when I was seven. He claims he hates it, but I know secretly he loves knowing that only I call him that. He lets go and gravitates toward where Mom is standing there watching her two children, smiling happily and thinking of how proud she is of Niall.

  "Hey, Mom!"

  "Niall! You did fantastic!"

  "At least someone appreciates my singing ability," Niall said and winked at me. I blew him a kiss and winked back. I'm going to miss him while he is out living his dream and I’m at home without my best friend who just so happens to be my brother.

  I feel a tear run down my face. Stop it Becca, I tell myself. But Niall sees it and rushes to my side and wipes it away.

  "What's wrong?" he asks me.

  "Nothing... I just... I'm going to miss you."

  He hugs me again. "But I will miss you seven times more than that. Just remember that. I will call whenever I can and will make sure that all of my worshiping fans will be nice to you." I laugh. "Okay, totally because everyone loves my dorky little brother Niall!"

  "Hey! I'm only six minutes younger than you!" he protests.

  "Still my little brother." I wink at him as we pull away. I’m never going to let him live it down.

  "I love you, Becca. And don't ever forget it because I will always be there for you."

  "I love you too, Nialler. Thanks."


Hope you enjoyed :)

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