Chapter One

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*Becca’s POV*

  I looked at my iPhone to see that I had thirty minutes until our lunch date. I finish applying my make-up and I straighten my wavy brown hair while I’m in the bathroom. I find the streak of blonde in my hair that I bleach every so often to remind me of when Niall and I bleached our hair six years ago. He kept his blonde hair and I didn’t as it looked horrible on me.

  I walk across the hall to my bedroom in the house I shared with the boys. He kept his promise on the X Factor and he called or Skyped with me almost every night. I was the first to find out about One Direction as well as being signed to Uncle Simon’s record label. When he came home he offered me a room at his flat in London, which I accepted gladly. I have been on every tour, at every interview, and every live performance. These five boys are my family, I love them so much!

  I change out of my lounge clothes and into the dress I was told to wear. I look into the mirror. I look pretty good, I think to myself. I’m wearing a midnight blue dress that Niall bought. I insisted that he not buy it since it was way too expensive, but he told me it was for “Becca Day” and I thought that was ridiculous, so I let him get away with buying the dress. He bought the matching shoes while I wasn’t paying attention. Why did I give him my shoe size? This boy does way too much for me.

  I hear the doorbell ring, so I put on my shoes, grabbed my purse, and ran downstairs to see Niall who had already opened the door.

  “Becca!” I hear my boyfriend of three and a half years say. “You look fabulous!” I smile. “Thanks Jason. You don’t look so bad yourself.” I laugh. He was wearing a forest green button down shirt that pulled out the green flecks in his hazel eyes. “Shall we go?” Jason asks, ruffling his dirty blonde hair. “Of course.” I look around to find Niall and then I see he went back to Emma. I don’t like Emma. She is fake and I can see through her smiles whenever she sends one in my direction. But he seems happy so I let them be. “Bye Niall,” I yell down the hall toward the living room where Niall and Emma sat.  “Bye Becca.”

  I get into Jason’s car as he closes the door for me.  “Where are we going?” I ask him. He smiles. “Zappianno’s. I know you love that restaurant!”

*Nialls POV*

  I hear the doorbell ring and I get up to answer it leaving Emma on the couch. “Hello, Niall.”

  Ugh. Becca is going on a date with this loser tonight. I do not like Jason one bit. There is something off about him. But I’m civilized toward him only because I love Becca and he makes her happy. But the first time he hurts her I’m going to beat his sorry bum until he has to get bum transplant surgery. He won’t be taking Louis bum. The fans love it to much.

  “Hey, Jason,” I reply, uninterested in the small talk he would start up. He glances over my shoulder and gasps. “Becca!” I turn around to see my sister in the dress I bought her on “Becca Day”. I laughed at the memory. “You look fabulous!” Jason continues. Becca smiles. Her smile is perfect. I run my tongue over my teeth, all of the bumps from the brackets and wires. Why can I not have perfect teeth like hers? Well soon I will. I get my braces off soon.

  As they start chatting I turn and head back to Emma, grabbing a bag of chips on the way. I wait patiently as Emma finishes something on her phone. “Bye Niall,” I hear Becca yell.

  “Bye Becca,” I call back to her.

 “Sorry. I had to text Erica,” Emma says as she puts her phone down. I feel my phone vibrate so I pick it up figuring it was Becca saying she forgot something.

  From: Emma<3

  Finally. Nialls witch sister is gone. I just wish she would stop being a stupid attention hog. I mean she’s not even pretty. I just want Niall to make us official so I’m famous and can dump his loser butt. I mean have you seen his teeth? I keep thinking my tongue is going to get stuck in them. They are freaking unattractive, just like Becca. God I hate her ugly self. Got to go Niall is back ttyl xx Em :)

  I couldn’t believe this! Emma was using me! And she talks crap about my sister behind our backs! I feel my face getting red. “Babe, you okay?” asks Emma with a look of concern plastered on her face. Wait, no. FAKE concern.


  “Oh crap. That wasn’t supposed to go to you...”


  Deep breaths, Niall, Deep breaths.

  “Please leave,” I say calmly.

  “But Nialler…”

  I cracked. She was NOT going to call me by the nickname Becca gave me. “DO NOT CALL ME THAT!”

  “I’m sorry...”

  “Get out. GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!”

  She runs out of my house. I feel tears running down my cheeks. I walk down the hall to Liam’s room and I hear laughter. Liam and his best friend, Carly, turn around when I walked in. She saw my face, which I assume was red from crying, and just stood up and said, “You need him more than me. I’ll call you later, Li.” She is really nice. I hope they end up together. “Okay. See you Carly,” Liam replies.

  Liam just opens his arms and embraces me into a hug. I cry my eyes out. This is my girly side. I usually only act like this around Becca, because she has always been there for me, but I didn’t want to ruin her date with loser boy. Well…no, I think to myself. If she is happy then I guess so am I.

  I sit there crying for a while in Liam’s arms. I don’t know why all of the fans want a Horan Hug; I mean Liam’s arms are a really nice place to be. He gives good hugs. Finally when my sobs begin to slow, Liam asked me what was wrong. I explained everything.

  “It will get better. We are going on tour in three days!” Liam tries to cheer me up.

  “I just don’t want anyone to hurt Becca. I wish I could just protect her always.”

  “I know.”

  My phone went crazy with texts. “What the...”

  “Oh my gosh.” I dropped my phone like it was on fire.


  “She tweeted my phone number.”

DON’T KILL ME!!!!!! @NerdsArePeopleToo don’t kill me for the whole Nialls teeth! I promise I will make it up to you! Comment and the best comment will receive a shout out next chapter. Comment/vote/fan Love ya’ll!!!! xox Hana :)

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