Three - The Urgency Of Revelation

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The girl exited the shower, running her fingers through her hair in an attempt to detangle her dripping H/c locks.

She sighed contentedly, as she began properly brushing her hair, it growing only slightly dryer as she did so.

She left it that way, moving to her clothes.

She smiled, putting on a white dress shirt with a black ribbon around the collar, and a few lacy ruffles seen into it, and black lace stockings, she picked up the black overall jumper dress, it was form fitting under the bust, the skirt flared out slightly and ended above the knee, she pulled it over her head and fastened the straps, he put a white capelet with a black interior on, leaving the hood down, and pulled on a Pair of knee high black boots.

She exited the bathroom, taking a hairbrush and a white ribbon with her.

Her father was sitting on the couch in the small living area, petting a small blue bird that sat on his left knee.

"I suppose you want me to braid your hair?" He offered, reaching out to take the ribbon and brush.

"Yes, there's always something wrong when I do it." The girl huffed.

The man chuckled, separating his daughters hair into three sections, leaving the fringe that covered her right eye and a few baby hairs in the other side free as he began braid her hair.

"There is going to be a war between the siblings." The man said aloud.

"I've seen the signs as well. Who's Coming has already sent a Subclass or two after the Sloth and Greed pairs, and the Lust, Pride, Sloth, and I suppose Greed pairs have taken one of the weaker Melancholy Subclasses." The girl reported as if making small talk.

"You know your nonchalance when speaking of these matters makes it seem as if it's not a problem that could very well change your life." The assistant joked.

"How would it change my life?" The girl inquired curiously, looking straight ahead.

"If they do go to war, the creator had specific instructions for you to reveal yourself to the others as one of their kind, and explain who you are and what your purpose is." The man said, tying the white ribbon in a bow.

"Then I suppose I will have o follow those instructions. Any day now I will be making an appearance.. I know it." The girl giggled giddily.

"Don't be too excited. After it dies down, I will gather all involved. You will not be meeting Mother or World End, you will be meeting the Servamps and their respective Eve's, well, in Who's Coming's case, his closest Subclasses." The man muttered the end of his response, patting the girls shoulder.

With that, the girl stood, feeling a slight disturbance with both Melancholy and Greed, bit not as strong, a Subclass and Eve were battling it out.

"Father, my apologies but it seems the Eve of Lawless and a Subclass of Who's Coming are having a fight. I will return soon enough though." The girl smiled gratefully, disappearing not a moment later and reappearing in a mostly empty area of a public park.

It was in fact a Subclass and Eve, the particular Subclass being Higan, and it was quite a sight.

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