Six - The Strength Of Two

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Y/n was shocked at how quickly everything had happened.

First being dragged into the dressing room, and then forcing herself not to blush as she realized her charges Eve had just stood and stared at her after unzipping her dress.

She continued to keep the blush off of her cheeks, but it became easier as the quick bursts of emotion came in almost painful jabs to her head and chest, alerting her that All Of Love and Doubt Doubt were like in close quarters, with their Eve's present.

"I'm sorry but I'm needed elsewhere-" She tried to argue with the pianist, who seemed to be dead set on finding any clothes that would 'cover her'.

She thought what she was previously wearing was fine.

"Mr. Todoroki-" "I said shut up, you're not going to be wandering around the city in those short little dresses and you're going to deal with it." The teen crossed his arms, sending her a quick glare.

She blushed, "Of course. But don't you remember that nobody can see me unless they're looking for me or I'm being obvious?"

Licht growled, "Well those hundred dollar scraps of fabric aren't exactly subtle."

She laughed, "I've managed to keep myself hidden from you for as long as you've been the second half to the Greed Pairing, and I've hidden from Lawless for thousands of years, all while wearing similar dresses. Though I do admit they've shrunk in length since the early nineteen hundreds." She thought aloud, gaining a proud smirk from the cold pianist.

She cocked an eyebrow, to which the pianist sighed.

"I for one like them!" Lawless chirped as soon as his Eve had opened his mouth to speak.

The Servamp glanced at the girls bare legs, and back to his Eve just in time to dodge a slap.

"You really are a shameless piece of filth." The teen accused, glaring at his Servamp.

"Awwe Angel-Babes you're so cruel!" Lawless cried, clinging to his would-be assailant.

Hidden Pain sighed, pulling a brand-new looking smart phone from under the skirt of her dress

She opened her messenger, and then entered her most recent chatroom, between her and her father.

'I'm afraid I won't be home for dinner, the Greed Pair is taking me to get clothes, I'm unsure of why of course, and Doubt Doubt's Eve insisted he take me to dinner. I'll see you tomorrow if you have nothing planned.' She typed quickly.

After sending, she placed her phone back in the pockets of the black, mid thigh length shorts under her dress.

The pianist eyed her, as did Lawless.

At the same time, the pair blurted out two very different questions.

"You have a phone?"

"Did you just put that in your underwear?"

Licht threw a punch at his Servamp, who was being far more perverse than usual.

"Of course I do, it's the easiest way of contacting my father and my other connections, and no, Lawless, I did not put my phone in my underwear. I always wear shorts under my dresses, with pockets to keep my phone and money in." She glared at the Servamp.

Licht smirked, glancing smugly at the blonde vampire next to him.

"Wait, you actually contact other people? Why would you have a need to?" Lawless asked.

She exhaled, puffing her cheeks and blushing. "Because I don't like shopping, I can barely remember my own measurements, and I order my clothes from my friend in England.", The girl looked down at her feet, feeling more heat rising to her cheeks after her confession.

The dark haired teen rubbed his temples, and his Servamp snickered.

"You don't even know your own sizes? Angel-babe's figured it out just looking at you!" The blonde laughed hysterically.

The trio sat in an awkward silence, one that went unnoticed by the girl as she practically drowned in her own embarrassment.

They eventually pulled into an open spot at a building she didn't recognize, it was far too large to be just one store, do she assumed it to be a shopping center.

"Have you ever been to the mall Y/n-chan?" Lawless asked innocently.

"No, not to shop at least. Since I can't remember my own measurements, I usually have Luka take them at his apartment." She stated nonchalantly.

Licht stared at her with rage in his eyes, practically forcing out the scentence, "Who the hell is Luka?", The girl rolled her eyes.

She sighed, exiting the car.

A few insults were heard by the girl, she recognized instantly that the Greed Pair was having an argument.

She walked back only to be thrown backwards several feet from a strong blow to her abdomen.

She could already feel a bruise forming, and the scrapes from sliding on asphalt on the backs of her legs stung.

She stood shakily, gritting her teeth, and it didn't take any empathy to know she was absolutely livid.

"I expect to have some compensation for my troubles Mr. Todoroki.", She strode forward, coming close to Licht. While she was shorter, she easily pulled his hoodie to the side to expose his neck, and bit him.

She felt him freeze and grimace a moment later, before trying to push her away.

A moment later she drew back, licking away blood that dripped from the wounds she had created before sighing in relief as she felt her wounds close up.

She licked her lips, and glared at the two.

"Next time, I expect you to watch where you're kicking, in fact, don't even fight around me." She glared at the two.

Licht blushed, covering the wounds on the side of his neck  that we're beginning to bruise.

The pianists Servamp whistled, looking at the pink clad girl as if she was a different person.

"I'll admit, I wouldn't mind watching the again. But did you really have to use my Eve?" Lawless asked.

The girl scoffed, glancing back to the pair, "Would you have preferred me to wait to bleed one of your Subclasses dry?"

Lawless grinned, shrugging his shoulders.

"Maybe, but I'll be sure to remember this next time I'm fighting with Angel-chan."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2018 ⏰

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