Four - The Reaction To Truth

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Red and black swords rained from the sky, the girl watched from a building across the street as Sleepy Ash and his Eve yelled for Who's Coming to stop, both wishing to resolve it peacefully. Suddenly the sky cleared up, the girl glanced up to see the brown haired Eve hugging Who's Coming.

She disappeared, reappearing at the door of the hotel, waiting for the members of C3 and the others to get out.

After a boring half hour, a tall blonde male cam out, as well as a short purple haired boy, a brown haired male of average height, a boy also of average height with a white streak in his hair, and a blonde adult with orangish clip-on braids in his hair.

Accompanying the Eve's, were their respective Servamps, excluding one.

The blonde walked ahead of everyone, being guided to an ambulance.

She pulled her hood up and veil over her face, and disappeared, reappearing in the back of an ambulance.

Across from her, lying on a gurney, was Old Child.

The doors opened up, "Hugh!" The blonde exclaimed, before noticing the girls presence.

"Eve of Old Child, I have been given an order from the creator to assist any wounded Servamps and Eve's to a rendezvous point nearby so that all will only have to be explained once. All the siblings and those currently closest to them that were involved today will be there. I have no intent to harm anyone, simply explain a few things." The girl explained monotonously.

The blonde looked at the girl who had picked up his Servamp bridal style, and then to the short male.

"I guess. There's nothing wrong with it..." He mumbled.

"You're quite intelligent for a middle schooler!" She chirped, seizing his forearm.

"Now off we go!" She disappeared, taking the blonde and the short man with her.

The trio reappeared in the living room of a well decorated apartment.

The girl took her hood and veil off, and placed Old Child on one of the couches.

"You're pretty.." The blonde said blandly.

"Thank you Eve of Old Child. You are far above average when it comes to physical appearance as well." The girl grinned as she noticed the remainder of the group appear behind the young hot springs worker.

"Father will you be here? Or do you work today?" The girl chirped.

"Unfortunately I will not be here for your introduction, as I am required to be present today. Perhaps we will meet at a later date." The man smiled at his daughter, dropping Lawless and his Eve.

He disappeared before the irritable pianist was able to kick him.

"I suppose you all would prefer to sit down. While I will try to simplify this, I am supposed to reveal what exactly has been going on, I'll answer any questions along the way." She smiled, seating herself next to Old Child and gently shaking him until he opened his eyes, sitting up.

"Tetsu! Where are we?!" He demanded.

"The pretty lady next to you brought us here, her dad brought everyone else."

"Yes, unfortunately I've not been permitted to show myself to World End or Mother. Only you lot, as you were involved today. Please, have a seat, as this is quite a complex story." The girl reminded the group.

The majority, which included Mahiru, who had Kuro resting on the top of his head, Misono, Lawless, Sakuya, and Who's Coming, took up the remaining seats, while the rest either stood or laid on the floors.

"Now where to start... Ah, I know.. My name is Y/n, but the creator called me Hidden Pain Of Agony, I am the Servamp of Agony, while these are my two most commonly used names, I am also called the observer." A flood of questions reached the girls ears, all of the Melancholy Subclasses demanding to know why that name was so familiar, the other Servamps wanting to know why they weren't told about her sooner, and the Eve's asking completely random questions.

"So are you another sibling? Ugh, how troublesome..." Sleepy Ash complained.

"No, unlike you, I wasn't created this way. The creator had an assistant, and I am the assistants daughter. When I was at the age of nineteen I was poisoned, to keep me from dying I was turned into a Servamp, though we have very noticeable differences, to help me blend in, my eyes remained the same color, and unless someone actively sought me out, or I drew attention to myself, I would be able to go completely unnoticed." She explained cheerfully.

The whole room was silent. The petite Servamp smiled, speaking up once more, "I suppose I've covered everything of interest for now, unless of course there are any additional questions?" As she nervously scanned the room, she began thinking to herself.

'I've not spoken with anyone other than father and Luka in centuries, and Luka I've only spoken with via online chatrooms.'

"Where do you stay? Surely someone who can afford handmade dresses of that quality must be able to afford proper housing." The youngest Alicein asked, crossing one leg over the other.

"You have quite the eye for such things Misono, though it's no surprise with your upbringing. My father is a well known plastic surgeon, and rents a two bedroom apartment, one room is storage, and the other is his room, but with my occupation I've barely time for a proper meal even once a week. Especially with the current Greed pairing." She hissed, throwing a shady glare to the the said Eve and Servamp.

Lawless gaped, eyes widening behind his unnecessary glasses, "Do you hate me?" He pouted.

"No, not quite. The one thing that keeps me going is knowing that you'll one day grow bored of Licht like I have of your antics." She snapped sarcastically, glaring harder at the blonde vampire.

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