Five - The Time For Change

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After her introduction to those involved in the battle between the siblings, Hidden Pain had been more openly observing the Servamps, though they still didn't often see her, as it was hard for her to stop her habits from watching them for a few thousand years.

She sat on the chandelier in the hotel the Eve of Greed was supposed to be performing at.

The particular one was enormous, and made from a polished silver metal and fake glass gems.

The usually bright lights were dimmed, and a beautiful melody reached the girls ears.

It was a very famous and well known song by a long dead pianist, she could remember the names of neither.

It was a very melancholic, sad song, though she shed no tears.

After hearing it played so many times after it was written, the novelty had worn off, and she was tired of it.

"Angel-Cakes do we have any spare tickets for tonight?" The Servamp of Greed asked innocently.

"Why are you asking me? Isn't this a question you should be asking Crantz?" The self-proclaimed Angel shot back, moving his fingers over the keys in the pattern he had memorized, resulting in the familiar melody.

"Because I want to invite Y/n so she can sit in an actual seat, in the actual audience, and hear you play." The blonde rambled.

She sensed something off in his tone and overall being, but brushed it off as it wasn't a familiar feeling, a mix of joviality and excitement perhaps?

It didn't fit quite well enough.

There was anxiety and grief there as well.

Had he come to some kind of realization?

She hopped down from her perch on the chandelier, landing with a just noticable thump between two sections of seats.

"Unfortunately, I don't care for classical music, or music in general. Other art forms, sketching and drawing in particular, would be my personal preference." She dusted off her puffy skirt, giving a small smile to the slightly shocked Greed Pair.

"I f-forgot you did that..." Lawless muttered.

"Moving on, I felt something in you a moment ago, it wasn't good or bad, a mix of both actually, do you mind telling me what it was?" She tilted her head curiously.

The pianist and Servamp continued to gawk at here, eyes flitting from her torso, to her barely covered legs.

"What are you wearing demon?" The pianist forced out.

Hidden Pain held her arms away from her body slightly, looking at her outfit carefully.

"What do you mean? It seems fine to me." She said flatly.

A vein popped on the pianists left temple.

He seized her by the arm, and dragged her to a dressing room.

She was sat on a stool, but still felt a tug forwards.

"Mr. Todoroki-" The pianist cut her off.

"It's Licht."

"Licht... I apologise, but I am needed with All Of Love and Doubt Doubt..." She trailed off.

"No you're not. I'm going to hand you a dress that actually covers something, and you are going to wear it until we find some clothes that won't attract creeps." Licht growled, tossing a pastel pink knee length lace dress at her.

She made a quiet noise of discomfort, but met eyes with the boy moments later.

"Can you unzip my dress?" She asked shyly.

The ravenette's eyes widened, though he still moved closer to her.

She untied her black corset, letting it fall to the ground.

Licht unzipped her dress, and though he would hate to admit it, glanced at the unclothed portion of her back, her skin was smooth and scarless, like other vampires, she healed without a single scar.

He tore his gaze from her soft, pale skin and left the room as quickly as he could without running.

Outside, his Servamp gave him the biggest grin he had ever seen.

"What's got you blushing so much angel-babes? Did you do something naughty?" The Servamp teased, wiggling his eyebrows.

The pianist scoffed, his cheeks remaining stained with a Rosy blush, "Like I would even think about it you filthy demon, she just needed help unzipping her dress."

Lawless' grin grew wider, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

"So you looked huh? What color was her bra?" The blonde asked teasingly with no real desire to know.

To his surprise, Licht blushed as he muttered 'White' in answer.

His Servamp gaped at him, not believing that the self proclaimed angel admitted to such a thing.

"Is this better?" Hidden Pain asked, stepping out shyly.

She cracked the knuckles on her left hand, while her right reached to toy with the collar of the Wednesday Adams style dress.

The skirt was made of pink chiffon and another soft, opaque material.

It reached slightly past her knees, the top was made of pink lace and a similar opaque material to the skirt.

"You look so cute Demon-Chan!" Lawless chirped, suddenly popping out from behind her and encircling her waist with his arms.

"Not bad... For a low life demon." Licht commented, cheeks still stained red.

"What are we doing now? And why did I have to change?" She asked, wiggling in her clingy charges grip.

"We're taking you to get some real clothes." The pianist answered, he had regained his composure, and began pulling the girl with him.

Thoughts? I'm rather excited to write the next chapter. Of course, I'll be updating all the stories on my second account. Don't worry, I won't procrastinate with those.

I really enjoy seeing comments and votes, when I stop getting so many notifications from people's message boards, I will resume following the people who vote, comment, or add my story to their reading lists. I will also be adding to my Servamp crack book (SUMMER CAMP SERVAMP SHIT) and will accept requests like text scenarios, and "aesthetics" (see first chapter)

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