TUP 1: Meet the Bastard

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Chapter 1:

Luxurious Villa Hotel.

The young and handsome man just came out of the bathroom after he took a shower. A bath towel clung on his strong waist, dangerously low. This scene is the true depiction of strength and beauty, it was as if the Greek god Apollo was alive.

"Damn." The man cursed while bowing his head. His reaction looks annoyed.

He picked up his mobile phone and dialled his assistant's number. "Give me a clean woman to come in."

"Young master, how are you tonight?"

"Drank something wrong at the reception, hurry." The low voice on the line is already annoyed.

"Okay, right away."

A girl in a dress looked up to stare at a sign post, feeling quite helpless.

Obviously, she here to travel, and then got lost on her way.

Even more exasperating is that her phone's battery died and she haven't seen a single soul on the road.

She did not know that she had accidentally trespasse into a luxurious private villa area.

She can only continue to thread the road ahead. Finally, a big golden villa that shined under the moonlight appeared, and her heart was happy. She thought she was saved.

Although the villa looks high-end, she has to venture into it to go back to her own hotel.

She pressed the doorbell.

The door slammed open.

She snorted and felt that the owner of the villa was too straightforward.

Stepping into the lobby that is as luxurious as a palace, Tang Siyu asked in the quiet hall. "Is there anyone here?"

She didn't received a response but it was impossible that no one is here! The light is on, and someone obviously opened the door for her, there must be someone in the villa!

Is it upstairs?

Tang Siyu gone up the stairs step by step. She saw the direction of the main bedroom with a light on. She swallowed her saliva and her heart tightened. She was so nervous that she can't help but gulped again.

She has already lost her way for half an hour, but couldn't find a single person to ask for directions. She don't want to stay in the open air tonight.

"Is... someone's there?" She asked as she entered the half-opened bedroom door.


A strong force grabbed her wrist, and she was dragged into the room.

In the next second, the lights in the bedroom went out.

"Ah...what are you going to do?" Tang Siyu screamed in panic and asked in Chinese.

"Shut up." The man's hoarse voice said coldly.

The man also spoke in Chinese. I

"Why are you turning off the lights?" Tang Siyu asked panickly, did she encounter a perverted murderer? is she going to die now?

"I don't want to see you." The man was cold and disgusted.

The man only saw her as the woman who had been sent to the door by the assistant.

Tang Siyu was panic-stricken, and her body was picked up by the man and thrown into the bed. She screamed, Tang Siyu felt dizzy, and the man was very strong, she was unable to resist.

"Ah..." Tang Siyu desperately pushed him. "Bastard, you let me go... eh..."

Her scream of panic were blocked by the man's strong and overbearing mouth for a second. Her open lips made it easier for him to violate her.

Because this man hates noisy and disobedient women.

This plaything that was delivered on his doorstep, what qualifications does she have to reject him? When she can get her money without a single cent less.

However, the smell of this casual looking girl stimulated him, it annoyed him but made him became greedy and wanted to constantly explore for more.

Tang Siyu's eyes widened and the small hand strive to push away the man who was pinning her down, but it was futile... a deep pain came straight in her body and soul as her cries was drowned in his deep kiss. Her tears broke racing down from the corner of her eyes.

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