TUP 10: Finals

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Chapter 10:

Finally, Tang Yixi’s turn came. He walked calmly to the center of the stage. He bent down showing his courtesy towards the thousands of guests. On the huge screen, his face magnified by full 360 degrees.

Below downstage, the audience took a deep breath. What a beautiful child!

What kind of people can give birth to such a child?

Tang Xiong’s eyes watered. Looking at his grandson on stage, he was really proud. It’s feeling he had not felt for a long time.

Beside him, the mother and daughter looked at each other with resentment in their eyes. He was obviously just an illegitimate child. How can he be so great? Even if Tang Siyu is also a person from the piano world, she can’t possibly teach a small child into that level!

Tang Yiyi looked at the child’s face which doesn’t look like Tang Siyu that much. Was the man who had a child with Tang Siyu was that handsome?

This is a bad news for her, but at the same time, she is also sneered, how is that possible?

Maybe because he was still young! When he grew up, his beauty would certainly be long lost. This kind of thing is not uncommon!

“He’s really my good grandson, too calm.” Tang Xiong felt that the little guy must had inherited his own genes.

In the backstage, a place which the audience couldn’t see, Tang Siyu tightened her grip on her hand nervously, she watched her son performed on stage, worried that he would have any accidents.

Su Xi leaned her head on Tang Siyu’s shoulder, looking at the little guy, she showed a smile.

The level the little guy played this time is exactly at the sixth, which is more complicated and difficult. However, this only made him more brillant. This piqued the curiosity of the audience.

A four-year-old child who can play a piano at the sixth level? Isn’t this too challenging?

This isn’t felt by the audience on the spot alone, but now the ratings of this channel had been steadily placing first. The spectator all over the country were watching this scene, and they were all looking forward to the amazing play this little child would show. They now believe that such a talented child existed in this world.

Tang Yixi’s of course didn’t care how much ripples he made. His only purpose on stepping on this final stage was to be recognized by the national audience.

Therefore, he played so smoothly, he don’t feel pressured. His small face, under the high-definition camera, was calm and collected. He looked so serious and handsome, it caused a bomb to explode that made his popularity skyrocketed and garnered numerous affection.

Behind the stage, of Tang Siyu and Su Xi’s eyes were a little moist.

The Tang Xiong’s heart also tightened seeing his grandson’s performance. He heard whispers around him and he really wanted to boast that this is his grandson.

When the little guy’s performance ended, the audience bursted into a deafening applause, thundering for a long time.

This time, the judges had already determined the winner. And without doubt it was no other than Tang Yixi, because who deserves it if not him.

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