TUP 2:

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Chapter 2:

In the dark, she couldn’t see the man’s looks. The only thing she could feel was his strong body.

She was terrified and disturbed.

She foresaw that this would be a miserable night.

This was just a trip before her marriage, to enjoy her last days being single. But she did not expect to lose her innocence here.

When another lady entered the hall, she heard the broken cry of a girl upstairs along with a man’s low wild growl, she immediately turned and left.

That night only the moon witnessed the ongoing war inside the dark room.

When he entered the bathroom and came out, the girl who was still on a daze before on the bed left without a single word. From beginning to end, he had no idea what the woman looked like.

However, he had no desire to see it after all that woman was just a tool to solve his sexual problem, he don’t want to bother himself with such trivial things.

Just as he was about to lay on the bed to sleep, he was stunned for a few seconds after seeing a red patch on the bed. He told the assistant for it to be clean, and sure enough, it was indeed clean.

Three days later.

In the airport, Tang Siyu hailed a taxi in a panic. The taxi driver asked her where she was going,

She casually said the address of her fiancé Mu Fei.

The night was like a nightmare, entangled her.

She didn’t know how to see Mu Fei, and had no idea what to say, but she just wanted to see him.

Because after a week, it was their wedding.

When she arrived at the villa, it was only around 7:00 in the morning. She thought that Mu Fei’s recent company was busy and must have been exhausted.

She gently pressed password of the small door, walked in silently, put the gift box at the hall, and she climbed up the stairs step by step.

She was tired and extremely exhausted. She wanted to plunge into Mu Fei’s arms and cry.

She gently pushed the door of the master bedroom and she looked forward to seeing Mu Fei’s sleeping face.

However, what appeared in her eyes… was a scene that caused her world to collapse. Her fiancé is cuddling a naked girl who was none other than her older sister, Tang Yiyi. Both people seemed to spend a crazy night together.

The disorganized clothes under the bed and the disgusting smell in the air made Tang Siyu’s mouth tighten and eyes widen.

She almost shook the door.

After a week on the wedding day, she sent a message to her family and ex- fiance Mu Fei and announced the cancellation of the wedding, then she went missing.

Five years later.

In the airport hall, a girl wearing a pure white fashion skirt was holding a cute little boy that only reach her waist, as they walk with ease.

Looking at the girl, there is a classical atmosphere, her skin is delicate, truly a perason blessed with beauty. As her pair of clear water-like eyes fall on the little boy’s body, only one word can describe her which is a gentle beauty.

She has become the focus of the crowd, however, the little boy she is holding, also wasn’t ignored by the surrounding passengers. A handsome black sweater with cool dark jeans, gray sneakers, a small goose egg face, deep facial features, fair complexion, tender and delicate skin, dense soft black hair covering his white and full small forehead, at such a young age, can actually contend with the most eye-catching models on the T stage.

It is clear that child is only four-year-old, yet he had already limitless the prospects.

“Mommy, my grandfather would really like me?” The little guy looked up to his mommy. For the grandfather whom he had never met, he looked curious.

“Yes.” Tang Siyu smiled and stroked her son’s head.

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