TUP 7: The Little Guy Participates

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Chapter 7:

Tang Siyu touched the little guy’s head lovingly. “Of course I promised! This is the right time to build up your confidence. I believe that my baby can do it.”

“Ah! I won’t disappoint you mommy. I will definitely take the golden crown and make you proud of me.” The little guy smiled happily, his pair of watery black eyes shined with brilliant light.

Thanks God, things had gone so smoothly.

Tang Siyu thought that her son participating in this competition was a good thing. Through this, he will gain confidence and be more dynamic. And it will also give him the courage to face the crowd by practicing.

After having their meal, Tang Siyu borrowed a car from Su Xi to sign up her son. Su Xi wanted to accompany them for the reason that because of her celebrity status, she can only watch some boring news at home.

Tang Siyu registered the little guy’s name but he still needed to pass several tests. He was a piano player so naturally he played the piano. His pair of small hands were moving quickly on the piano keys, producing a string of musical notes that created a perfect and beautiful sound which surprised some staff around.

“Your child is awesome and with his talent, it wouldn’t be difficult for him to become the brightest star of this show. Congratulations you passed. Our program is divided into four parts. Preliminary rounds, quarter-final, semi-finals and the grand finals. As long as your son wins the final round, he will be guaranteed a scholarship worth 200,000.”

Tang Siyu stroked her son’s small head. “Xiao Xi, you can do it!”

“I will do my best!” The little guy nod, he must get the golden crown in order to be famous.

After they played for a few days, the day for preliminaries finally came. Tang Siyu was more nervous than her own son. She had a complete confidence in him but she did not want her son to suffer a lose in the competition and cause a heavy blow on his self confidence while growing up.

Su Xi was armed from head to toe that only shows a pair of eyes. They sat at cornerseat while they watched the little guy play on the stage.

The audience saw a the four-year-old child standing in the middle of the stage and was stunned by his stunning looks. Soon after, they were conquered by his play. The competition was highly valued. Being exposed in a largely promoted program on the television, Tang Yixi quickly became popular.

His high face value has caused the Internet to be on heat and various aunts had scrolled his news every day. His super high level piano performance was even more compelling. It was highly praised that it seems unreal.

The little guy’s popularity keeps raising. It was almost an unstoppable magic that burst the Internet. Moreover, there were already scouts who discovered Tang Yixi when he first showed up. More than a dozen star explorers wished to meet the little guy, hoping to sign him to become a star.

Tang Siyu refused everyone of them. She would never let her son shoot when she’s not short on money at all.

Immediately after the preliminary round comes the quarter-final match. All the little players came up with a new stunt, hoping to proceed on the next stage.

Tang Siyu was busy preparing for her son. On the semi-finals, the little guy chose to play a four-level piano music.

In a quite stage. A very handsome kid in a suit was sitting straight in front of a piano. His fingers were dancing in a beautiful beat. His soulful performance was so nice and perfect. Once a person immersed himself into his music, it was simply impossible to extricate oneself.

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