The Station

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Standing in a crowed old station
Yet I still feel completely dead
My mind telling me I'm just alone
Only wanting to return to my safe bed
Memories flash before my broken eyes
Reliving the heartbreaks and the pain
Happy memories just before forgotten again
Though I know there is nothing to gain

Seeing things beyond my little mind
Things I may never completly understand
Like how the man infront can be happy
Or how I'm supposed to take my stand
The preacher says I need to find God
That I need to heal my broken soul
He may forgive or punish me now
Make or break my collapsing hole

Till then I'll just stand and smile
Only I know it isn't real
I can talk for hours about my mind
Just not about how I tend to feel
Happiness always seems just out of reach
But it's something I can always see
Self hating from not being able to be glad
The world just can't let me be

So I just sit down alone
Watch the world just pass me by
The weight pushing down on me
Nothing left to do but sigh
People just seem to no longer care
I have no reason why they should
Maybe if I was suddenly dieing
I can only hope that someone would

Poems From A Awkward Teen Bohemian Where stories live. Discover now