"I can't believe he done that to you" Clare laughs picking up a red dress off the sales rack
"Stop" I try not to laugh "I'm never going to be able to go home now"
"Wait so what did you do to make him say that?"
"Put Chili flakes in his bolognese"
She gasps
"What? I told him not to come back to the dorm"
"I don't mean to rain on the parade Em, but don't you think he got the last laugh?"
I sigh "I know. Grayson has reminded me enough already" I mutter the last bit
We shopped for another few hours before getting some coffee in Starbucks
"Wait so where are you going after this again?" Clare asks me
"To the gym, I haven't been there in a week so I better go today"
"Like you need the gym" she rolls her eyes smiling
I take a sip of my coffee "I only go now because I find it fun and lately I've been eating so much shit"
"Who buys the groceries in your dorm anyway?"
"Neither. I've been meaning to but I always get distracted so we always order take out"
"Let me guess your order is chicken salad" she jokes
I laugh "you wouldn't see me with anything else"
"Anyway" Clare stands up fixing her ripped jeans "someone's got themselves a date"
"Ooo with who?"
"Some guy ive been out with a few times" she tells me as I stand up "think I'm going to end it tonight"
"We have nothing in common and there's no conversation, I swear we both only go for the food"
I nod "I've had a fair share of those dates"
I get to my car first and say a quick goodbye to Clare before making my way to the gym I signed up to a few weeks ago
I went into the changing rooms and changed into my gym clothes. Luckily the gym was so big that even if it was busy you'd still have a section of it to yourself
The changing rooms were on the second floor along with multiple boxing rings and some private personal training rooms and pools and jacuzzi's. I looked down the rail to see that the ground floor was as good as empty so I decided to do my workout down there
I spent over an hour doing my workout and when I was finished it was after 8pm so the gym was empty
When I was walking past one of the boxing rooms, I could hear muffled voices but then one name made me stop in my tracks
My roommates
Now some people would be like well it doesn't mean it's your roommate but I know nearly everyone that trains here and my roommates never at home for hours one or two days a week
The blinds to the windows were shut but there was a crack in the door
Me being the idiot I am, instead of continuing with my night, I decided to snoop
I could see multiple boys around our age walking and sitting around the room, none of them using the ring. One of them stood up, shirtless with boxing gloves on, he looked like the one with the most muscles, he had a tattoo on his arm that I recognised as my roommates
"Smith go get some gear" Grayson orders and one of the boys sitting down gets up
It took me a minute to register he was coming towards the door and when I did I started speed walking towards the exit
When I got back to the dorm I had a quick shower and changed into a pair of shorts and a crop top
It was 1am before Grayson got back
"Why are you still up?" He asks me like it's weird for me to be up at this time
"It's 1am Grayson, not my bedtime yet" I turn around taking a sip out of the smoothie I just made "where were you until this time anyway? You've been gone all day"
He sits down leaving his keys on front of him "Well first I went to Starbucks and then I seen this really hot chick would you like me to explain what we done until now?" He smirks
I know this isn't any of my business but when your roommate is lying to you and secretly leaving in the middle of the night what are you meant to do, Study?
Unfortunately that isn't my thing, I blame my brothers for that one
I shake my head "well she definitely kept you busy"
"Jealous are we?" He smirks
"Well you are my 'boyfriend' after all"
"Yet I still haven't banged you"
"I'm saving that for marriage" I grin
"You wish"
"Ms Hayes" My lecturer snaps me out of my thoughts "what's the answer to question sixteen of last weeks course work?"
I flick the page to question sixteen "62.24"
"You ok?" Maddie asks from beside me
"Yeah why?"
"You're totally out of it today, you haven't said a thing that's totally not like you"
"I just didn't get much sleep last night" I admit "binge watching Teen wolf"
She nods
A blonde boy I've never seen before walks into the classroom ten minutes before the end
"Mr Smith nice of you to join us"
The blonde doesn't answer instead of makes his way to the back of the room where me and Maddie sit, just on the opposite side
Smith? Where have I heard that?
It clicks when I make eye contact with 'Smith' and he smirks
"Who's he?" I ask Maddie playing dumb
"Luke Smith" she tells me "I think him and Grayson briefly know each other, the don't talk though"
Don't know each other my ass
I nod
"He never comes to class. He's like the less bad boy, fuckboy version of your roommate"
The bell to signal the end of the lecture goes and the lecturer shouts out the coursework not that anyone is listening
"You finished lectures for today?" I ask Maddie once we get out of class
She sighs shaking her head "I wish I've got two more to go but ones in the evening"
"What about you?"
"Yeah I'm done"
"Lucky bitch" she laughs and starts walking the opposite way "see you later"
"See ya"
A/n : short chapter again, but they should get longer! Anyway what do you think Grayson is hiding?

The bad boy is my roommate
Teen FictionWhen Emma Hayes decides to move a college on the outskirts of Los Angeles half way through the college year, she expected and wanted to be an outcast that no one bothered but it soon became obvious to Emma that, that wouldn't happen when she meets h...