"Wait so Luke's in the gang too?" I ask after taking a sip of my coffee
True to his word which was unfortunate for me Grayson woke me up at 4;30am to be at the gym for five, knowing well what I said was a joke
It's currently 8am and we're sitting in one of the booths in a busy Macy's
Grayson nods "he's in it for similar reasons to me but he isn't involved much"
"He doesn't piss them off as much?"
"You could put it that way"
"So why don't you just not piss them off?" I ask and our legs brush under the table
The realisation that we're actually having breakfast together and not bickering dawns on me, like something has changed between us
"That's like telling you not to go to the gym for the rest of your life"
"Point taken"
"Wait so what do the rest of the guys think you are doing when you come back all beat up or when your missing?" I question remembering the time when they were drinking during the day and it seemed like they knew what was going on
"They think I'm a street fighter" a smirk forms on his face when he says the next few words "and when I go missing what do you think they assume I'm doing?"
I tried to hide my urge to gag "and is that what your actually doing?"
He huffs "you know what I'm actually doing"
I raise my eyebrow "so you don't sleep around with all the girls that say you have?"
He shakes his head "I'm still a boy though so there has been a few but it's always casual"
"One night?"
He nods
"When was the last one?"
"Ages ago" he looks at me with confusion and a mix of cockiness "Wait why do you care?"
"What? No I don't? Why would I care?" I ramble "you can do what you want"
He smirks putting his hand on my thigh under the table "you know babe, I could bend the rules for you and it could be for more than one night"
I bite my tongue not to squirm under his touch. I knew wearing a denim skirt was a bad idea
I give him a sarcastic smile "your a dick"
He plays with the hem of my skirt "keep telling yourself that"
I was lying on my bed in some sweats when Grayson and Luke barge in. Grayson starts searching the presses while Luke sits on the island and swings his chair around to face me
"I heard about you and your roommate over here" he smirks "I told you you'd eventually give in"
I roll my eyes and lean up on my elbows "Don't worry your welcome, I kept you secret"
His smirk falls at the double meaning of what I just said, I may have saved Patricia from finding out about him and her brother but I also haven't told anyone about him and Patricia
"I hate you"
"Ditto" I give him a grin
"Why do you two hate each other?" Grayson turns around stuffing his face with food
Neither of us answer instead we give each other a death stare
"You're both so weird" Grayson mutters
"I thought I had the dorm to myself" I look over at Grayson "why are you back so early?"
He looks at Luke "someone decided to make separate plans without me"
"Whatever man, you always do it to me"
I put my earphones back into my ears and blast some music so I don't have to listen to there bickering
A while later, someone's fingers started messing with the strap of my Calvin Klein underwear. My eyes unintentionally flutter shut instead of looking at the person doing it - not that I didn't already know it was Grayson
"What are you doing?" I take the earphones out of my ears
He doesn't say anything instead he starts kissing my neck his fingers still playing with my underwear
It only took under a minute for him to stop but somehow I had my hands in his hair and his hands had moved to the hem of my tracksuits tugging them down
His leans into my ear before whispering "Told you I'd get you back" he sits up and smirks before walking towards the bathroom
"You've just started a war" I shout after him pissed at how flustered I got at what he had just done
I get off my bed and grab my stuff before storming out of the dorm slamming the door behind me
"Hey what's up?" Maddie asks me once I get to the main centre of the campus
"Not much I was just planning on going to the library"
"I'll come"
I grab a random maths study book and sit down at one of the table with Maddie in tow. She never picked up a book instead she just followed me and sat down on the opposite side of the table
I was pretending to read a random explanation to a maths equation when she finally decides to blurt
"I'm breaking up with my boyfriend"
I look up at her my mouth slightly ajar from shock
"Your what?"
She sighs "it's not working between us we both know that, I'm just gonna be the one to say it"
"How long have you felt like this?"
"A few weeks" she tells me "and I'm not gonna lie I hate having to wait months to have sex"
I laugh "I'm single an I still have to do that"
"You had it yesterday"
"Well before that"
"I bet you'll be having it a lot sooner now"
I laugh awkwardly "let's not talk about that"
"When are you going to do it?" I ask
"I'm driving home tomorrow" she tells me before standing up "anyway I gotta go. Wish me luck"
She turns around to walk away
"Oh and lock the door next time"

The bad boy is my roommate
Teen FictionWhen Emma Hayes decides to move a college on the outskirts of Los Angeles half way through the college year, she expected and wanted to be an outcast that no one bothered but it soon became obvious to Emma that, that wouldn't happen when she meets h...