Chapter one

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(Y/n) POV
     I has running,from what well I was running from my friends it was fairly annoying considering I didn't like running. It wasn't that I couldn't run fast it was cause I tire easily. I ran as fast as I could my feet hitting the cement was all I could hear aside for the yelling and the other footsteps behind me. I could see my home, but I felt something hit my back hard. I tripped over my own feet and hit the ground,I heard them laughing from behind me and, I grabbed the rock that hit me and threw it back at them.
     I heard a sicking crack as there 'leader' yelped in pain as the others looked at him for a few seconds I got up and ran to my home. I jumped the fence of my backyard and opened the back door which is all ways unlocked. I quickly went down the basement stairs and into a room in the corner without making a sound. Now I wasn't chased for nothing the leader was on the baseball team and I stole his bat which I was going to hammer nails in and use it on my family.
     The door to the basement creaked open and I heard the clicking of high heels, it was my sister. I guess I had my first victim and I was going to make her beg for her life. Just as I was going to get up I heard footfalls behind her she had someone with her,"are you sure we should be doing this he is our brother." River said, what are they going to do? "Yes,"Rose said,"he is useless he should be killed, don't worry River it will be painless for him." So they where planing to kill me well to bad I kill them first.
I slowly crept behind them and raised the bat with nail and bought it down on my brothers neck ending him with a jolt of pain. As he bleed out I turned to my dear sister and kicked her in the stomach and brought the bat up again and hit her in the stomach. I turned to the stairs and walked up them and left my sister bleeding on the floor I looked at my watch and checked the time 7:59. Time to see mother and father I walked up the stairs to their room and opened the door a crack.
     There they were just sleeping there and they didn't see where there children were,idiots. I looked at my father I had to get rid of him first, I looked around the room and and saw some tape and got a idea I grabbed the tape and taped my fathers hands and feet together. I went to my mothers side grabbed her head and hit it against the bedpost which caused her to scream and that woke my father both of their eyes open and staring at me. My father yelled at me in which I only chuckled, Time to have some fun.
The person at the top is you but your hair and eye Color

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