Chapter 20

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(Y/N) P.O.V
     "It was just coincidence, that they were going to try and kill me the same day I was going to kill them." I said with a small smile," Who would let their parents convince them to become a hoe or start being a cheat." Aalamgeer took a step towards me, but I paid him no mind, "(Y/N)," he said. I could feel my walls breaking, the walls I made so that all my hate,anger and any other negative emotions would be behind. "Now as I am the host, who wants some food!" Play nice so my walls won't break, that's all I have to do. Confusion found its way into the other three males as the (h/c) haired male went into the kitchen.
Once I went into the kitchen and walked far enough way from the door frame, I sat myself on the ground to try and control my anger. I breathed in and held it for a few seconds and released it, feeling slightly better after. I got up and grabbed most of the fruit and a bowl as well as a knife and started making a fruit salad.

 I got up and grabbed most of the fruit and a bowl as well as a knife and started making a fruit salad

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I grabbed a large spoon as well as four smaller ones and carried it out with the fruit salad. When I placed the bowl and utensils down I went back to the kitchen, well I tried when Jeff grabbed my arm. "So you stab me and then treat us as guest." He hissed. " Well the stab was because of earlier today, when you stabbed my arm so that was pay back hon." I got my arm out of his grip and continued to the kitchen, my arm was throbbing in pain but I ignored it and grabbed some bowls. This is going to be a long night, oh well, I have guest.

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