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tbh, fef is pretty cute, I'll go and stop being gay now, bye lmao】

TITLE; I'm so gay, EW!

WARNINGS; cussing



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"Ok, [Y/n], you got this! Now, stop being a nooksucker and go fucking get her!" Karkat cheered me on as I stared dreamily at the fishy princess from afar. "And stop staring at her like that. Makes me wanna vomit." I shook my head, snapping out of it.

"Sorry Kar. She's just so pretty. Gog, I'm so gay, EW!" I say, cringing at myself.

"Indeed you are. Now go get her before Eridan and Sollux come and get all triggered." Karkat's words shot a sudden realization threw me. There are two other trolls trying to get into her red quadrant, what if she doesn't even like me? We've known each other for so long, maybe she just wants to be friends.

I began to spiral and Karkat could tell so he pushed me over to the girl I was flushed for. The second Karkat had left, Feferi had noticed me and I had fallen out of my spiral.

"Ahoy, [Y/n]! What's up?" She sweetly asked. A blush filled my face as I scrambled for an answer.

"It— I— um—" I looked down into her sparkling curios eyes and felt peace. "I wanted to ask you— well, no, tell you something."

"Ask away!"

"I'm red for you, now, before you answer I know that there are a bunch of other trolls going after you and that I probably don't stand a chance against any of them but I need to get that off my chest. You don't have to return the feelings but I need yo—" I was cut off by my collar being tugged down and something soft hitting my lips. My eyes widened as I realized—

I'm kissing Feferi Peixes.

Then the moment of glory came to an end. She had a beautiful fuchsia blush on her face and a smile.

"I'm red for you to. I always have been! I'm surprised you haven't noticed." With those words I began to question everything. All the signals she gave me and I've never picked up on them.

"Oh, gog, I'm such a dumbass!" She giggled and pecked my lips.

"No your not." Her hand caressed my face softly, it felt like a sheet of the most luscious velvet.

"Feferi, will you be my Matsprite?"

"Is that even a question silly? Of course!" She squealed jumping up and down. My heart felt so filled with joy I thought it was going to give out. Seeing her happy, let alone happy with me, was truly a sight worth living for.

She wrapped me into a hug and whispered,

"Flushed for you." Tears brimmed my eyes but didn't fall yet.

"Flushed for you too, Fef."

"HEY! W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Eridan exclaimed. My eyes widened as I knew where this was going.

"YEAH?! GET YOUR HANDTH OFF HER!" I let go of Feferi and saw Sollux and Eridan looking very angry.

"Gotta blast," I softly broke the hug and threw her a peace sign before running away fro the yellow and violet blood trying to murder me. "BYE FEF RED FOR YOU!" I called out as I dashed away.


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