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TITLE; i kissed a girl

WARNINGS; cussing|suggestive|lime(?)|A N G R Y karkat|gets sad at the end

[its not REALLY an XKarkat but like he's in here and shit so yeah]



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"The infamous Red-glare then jumps into fighting stance and faces—...what's your RP name again?" Terezi narrated. I giggled and told her.

"Casia Flos." I replied. She nodded and grinned toothily going back to narrating our current role-play.

"And faces her opponent, Casia Flos!" She dramatically said aloud. I couldn't help but smile at how cute she looked with her dragon hoodie and how the hood fell crooked when she would move around to much. Her passion for roleplaying is also the most adorable thing I've ever seen. But, she's flushed for Karkat, and they've been Matesprites for quite a while now. Their pretty happy together too, that's all I really care about, is her happiness.

"Casia Flos grins at Red-glare and says in a condescending voice, 'so, she's finally come to fight me, if you're fighting skills are as tardy as you are I must say this fight isn't going to be fair.'." Terezi looked to the side in thought, then a smirk spread across her face. She strutted towards me.

"Red-glare seemed to have not come to fight Casia Flos. She has come for a different reason." My eyes widened, a sage blush spread across my face. Terezi then leaned over the desk that I was saying in front of, putting her hands on it, trapping me.

"T-Terezi, w-we can't, you and K-Kar—"

"He won't find out, it's fine." She reassured me. I swallowed a small lump in my throat, I was not going to let her hand the upper hand in this though. I've been waiting too long for this. I grabbed her hips and flipped us over so she was leaning on the desk. This was quite hard for me, being the shortest out of all the other trolls.

"Woah! Haha, that's more like is Lev." She cheered and sat up on the desk, wrapped her legs around my torso. "C'mere, gimme a kiss, babe." She tutted, pulling me closer with her legs. Our lips met and I felt fireworks go off in my stomach. This was bad, a looked down upon. We aren't in a quadrant and she's already got someone in the red quadrant, but it felt so good.
I gasped slightly as she grabbed a hold of my boob. She giggled, I smiled and grabbed hers as well. Soon she had let go of mine a it was just be fondling her breasts and kissing her.

Then it all stopped as I felt someone grabbed a chuck of my hair from the back of my head. I yelled slightly and was thrown to the ground.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" It was Karkat. Cringe ran threw my entire body a long with fear as Karkat looked over me, his scythe in hand. "WHY ARE YOU MAKING OUT WITH MY MATESPRITE YOU NOOKSUCKER!"

"K-Karkat, it's not what it looks like, I—" A shoe then connected with my face. My hand hit the hard floor and I felt blood drip from my nose and mouth.

"Karkat what the hell?!" Terezi tried stepping in a stopping him only to be pushed aside. She fell on her bottom and that what set me off.

"DON'T TOUCH HER!" I yelled. Karkat brought his scythe to barley touch my neck.

"You shut the fuck up." He growled in a low voice. "You deserve this, I know what you've done. I know whose blood you've spilt in the past. You don't deserve her," His words hit my hard. He wasn't wrong though. I have more blood on my hands then The Grand Highblood himself does. He brought his axe up, "MURDERER!" He yelled then brought it down to my chest.


"Levanta? Levanta wake up!" My eyes flew open, and two white orbs met my vision a long with black hair in big curls surrounding them.

"A-Aradia..?" I questioned. "But I thought you were de— wait..." My body shoot up like a bullet as I looked around. We were in a small cabin like house.

"Yeah, and so are you." She said. A pout made its way onto my face. "Karkat really got you huh? Well, I guess that our deaths weren't that different. Both killed by guy we had relations with." I chuckled, a melancholy feeling rushing over me.


I guess."

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