Chapter 1

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Sunshine swooped through openings in the leaves of Thunderclan camp, making a pattern on the ground and warming Dovekit's fur. She lay stretched out on the smooth, warm rock, tail flicking every so often.....and strangely enough, with her paws covering her ears.

"Dovekiiiit!" Hazelkit moaned, jabbing her in the side with a paw. "You lazy bum! Get up and play with meeee!" Dovekit rolled over onto her back, stomach and paws in the air. She looked at her best friend with a playful smirk. "Make me." Hazelkit eyes widened with surprise; then sparkled with mischeif. "Fine then." She then picked Dovekit up by the neck fur and dragged her off the rock.

"Hey!" Dovekit yelped, wriggling out from Hazelkit's hold on her scruff. "That's not fair!" "You said to make you," Hazelkit said smugly, raising her eyebrows. Dovekit laid on the ground, seemingly defeated, but with a quick leap she wrestled her friend to the ground. Hazelkit let out a yelp of surprise; but soon enough the two were rolling around in the dust, playfully horsing around.

"Hey, you two," The soon-to-be-apprentices looked up from their play fighting. "Have you forgotten about my warrior ceremony?" Dovekit gasped as she remembered Ashpaw's special day. "You're not going looking like that are you?" Hazelkit headbutted Dovekit playfully. "Even if Dovekit did, she'd look fine. She's always pretty no matter what! I don't know how she does it!" Dovekit looked down at her paws, blushing and fidgeting, a smile creeping onto her face. "S-stop it...." Ashpaw rolled his eyes. "Well, if you're done being all mushy with each other, hurry up. It's starting soon."
Once the friends had groomed each other, they hurried over to the clearing, standing so close their pelts were brushing. Pinestar leapt onto the Highrock, his yowl so loud Dovekit fought the urge to cover her ears. "All cats old enough to catch their own prey, come to the highrock!" Once all of Thunderclan had gathered around, Pinestar started the ceremony. Dovekit tuned it all out until her brother and another apprentice were called up. "Daisypaw and Ashpaw, please come up." Dovekit couldn't help but notice how close the cats were, Daisypaw's head bent down by Ashpaw's, giggling about something he'd said.

Is it normal for cats to be this close?

Dovekit shook herself mentally. Don't think like that! It doesn't matter if they're closer than friends! Don't be possesive! Yet Dovekit couldn't push away the uneasy feeling in her chest.

As the ceremony went on, Daisypaw became Daisypetal and Ashpaw Ashfall. Almost as if it were a reflex, she automatically chanted out the two cats' names. Just as the meeting seemingly ended and Dovekit was about to leave, Pinestar called out for the cats to stay. "One more thing," he meowed. "Dovekit, Hazelkit, Nettlekit, and Hawkkit, will you please come forward?"

Dovekit's heart leapt with joy and surprise as she, along with Hazelkit and her siblings, stepped onto the rock. Pinestar looked down on her with wise green eyes as he opened his mouth to speak. "Dovekit, do you promise to respect the warrior code and always put the clan above yourself?" "I do," Dovekit meowed solemnly. "Then from now on your name shall be Dovepaw. Your mentor will be Bluedawn. I hope she passes her strength, bravery, and loyalty to the clan down to you." Warmth in her heart, Dovepaw touched noses with the white she-cat. As the meeting went on, Hazelpaw got Sparkheart, Nettlepaw Brightfire, and Hawkpaw Glowsoul.

After the ceremony, Dovepaw began to walk over to Ashfall. "Ashfall! Isn't this exciti-" Her voice trailed off when she saw that her brother was happily talking to Daisypetal. Her tail drooped as she saw how happy they looked. No! She told herself. You should be happy for him! But her heart still sank at the thought of the two. "Hey," The soft murmur behind her nearly made her jump out of her skin. "Don't worry about them. I'm sure Ashfall will talk with you later. For now, why don't you help me pick out nests? We've got to get some next to each other!" Dovepaw purred, looking at her best friend happily. She didn't need to talk to Ashfall all the time; she had Hazelpaw! "Yeah! Let's go!" Dovepaw felt her heart swell with happiness as she ran after Hazelpaw.

She didn't need Ashfall for happiness.....

Her happiness was wherever Hazelpaw was.

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