Chapter 3

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The small gray mouse sniffed the air as Dovepaw crept slowly towards it, the wind blowing it's warm prey-scent towards her. Licking her lips, she moved closer, extending her claws. The rodent looked up for a moment; then went back to foraging. 3, 2, 1..... Dovepaw leapt on the mouse, sinking her claws into it and giving it the killing bite. Giving thanks to Starclan, she picked up the prey and headed over to where Bluedawn was standing.

"Great job, Dovepaw," Her mentor said calmly. "I'm impressed with your skill," Dovepaw purred, dropping the mouse at Bluedawn's feet. "Thanks!" Sparkheart, who was a few feet away with Hazelpaw, mewed, "Why don't you and Hazelpaw bring your prey to the elders? I don't think they've had a meal yet," Dovepaw nodded and picked up her mouse, while Hazelpaw grabbed the plump sparrow she had caught. The two rushed off back to camp.

"Ah, mousedung," Hazelpaw said once their mentors were out of earshot. "I sometimes get the feeling that Twigclaw hates my guts. Now I have to bring him food?" Dovepaw breathed out a sigh of relief. A few days had passed since they saw Nettlepaw, and she had been scared that Hazelpaw was mad at her. Though, her friend seemed to be acting fine. "Y-yeah," Dovepaw mewed around the prey in her mouth. And Brightpetal never seems to know when to stop talking," Hazelpaw purred. "Yeah, she could talk herself out of Starclan!" The pair laughed as they made their way to the elders den.

As the two gave the prey to the elders, Dovepaw peeped out of the elders den to see.....Nettlepaw! What in Starclan is she doing? She immediately felt the urge to follow her, but then she remembered what Hazelpaw had said. With a sigh, she glanced over at her friend, who was fake smiling through one of Brightpetal's many stoires. Shaking herself, she padded over towards her friend to save her from the talkative cat. It doesn't matter, She reminded herself.

It really doesn't.
Moonlight drifted through spots in the leaves as the small group of cats chosen to go to the gathering began the small trip to where they would meet the other 3 clans. Hazelpaw shivered with excitement. "I can't believe we get to go to a gathering!" She whispered. "I know," Dovepaw said, looking over her friend's shoulder. "Hey, where's Nettlepaw? Isn't she supposed to come?" Hazelpaw looked just as confused as her. "I-I don't know," She confessed. "Maybe she's sick or something?" Dovepaw shook her head. "No, that can't be it. I saw her while out hunting an-" Dovepaw slapped a paw over her mouth. Hazelpaw stared at her, eyes wide. "But....Nettlepaw was supposed to be grooming the elder's ticks while we were hunting. Unless...." She looked down at her paws. "......unless she went out again," Her voice was barely a whisper, cracking in the middle. Dovepaw nudged her gently, desperate to make her happy again. "Hey, don't worry," She meowed. "She's probably just running late," Hazelpaw's eyes stayed on her feet. Suddenly, she looked up. "Meet me at the great oak tomorrow night," She whispered, then hurried up to ask Amberblossom where her sister was. Dovepaw just stood there, dumbfounded.

Is she finally ready to face her sister?
Dovepaw could barely pay attention the entire gathering. All she could think about was what Hazelpaw had said.

Meet me at the great oak tomorrow night.....
Hey, very few people who are reading my story! XD Sorry for the slightly short chapter, I started this at 6:00 am since I couldn't get to sleep, so not many ideas. Also, I've been trying to convey Dovepaw, Hawkpaw, and Nettlepaw's looks throughout the story, but it's kinda hard so here ya go:

Dovepaw- Pale gray with a white stomach, chest, and tailtip, and orange eyes

Hawkpaw- Dark brown tabby with yellow eyes

Nettlepaw- Dark brown with white tailtip and chest, and bright green eyes

Anyways, thanks for reading!

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