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  The next day at school, Mariana was at her locker when her two best friends came up to her, Lexie and Emma, to ask her about Callie. "Is it true that the new girl just came from...from juvie?" Lexie asked, lowering her voice before saying the last two words. 

  Mariana kept a confident stance, attitude, and tone in voice as much as possible. She hated sounding weak or unsure of herself. "Yes, that's correct, but she's really nice. Her dad is rich." She added the last part in hopes of building Callie her own reputation. 

  "Oh my god. We should totally have her hang out with us." Lexie looked to Emma to see if she agreed. 

  Emma shook her head. "No, that would be dumb just to hang out with someone because of her money. If she's as nice as Mariana says she is, then I don't have a problem with it." 

  Mariana closed her locker and gripped her binder. "Great! I can't wait for you guys to meet her." She gave Emma a smile, which was returned. Mariana always took Emma's opinions and thoughts to heart. Jesus calls her Emma's little bitch for it, but she never cared. 

  "Oh, Emma, I need you to come over tonight so we can work on our robotics project." Mariana remembered. 

  Nodding, Emma said, "Alright, sounds good." 

  Later on, at Mariana's house, Mariana and Emma went into her room to work on the project. Sitting on her bed, Mariana got their folder with their notes out. "So did you come up with any ideas for a robot?" 

  "I did." Emma pulled her laptop out of her backpack and pulled up her drafts of ideas. She turned it around so that Mariana could see. 

  Putting on her glasses, Mariana scrolled through and read the details about each potential model. "These are really good! I think we should go with this one." She waved her over to sit next to her. 

  Emma got up and sat on her bed, crisscrossed, and nodded in agreement. "Great minds think alike. That was the one that I was sure is a potential winner." 

   Mariana smiled, feeling really excited to finish this robot. "I think we can get this done in a little over a month, before those assholes in our class finish." 

  "I agree. Fuck those guys for not wanting to work with the two smartest people in their class. Our robot is gonna kick theirs' ass!" Emma exclaimed.

  Mariana nodded, "Plus I got to work with the hottest girl in school." She mentally slapped herself for saying that. 

  Emma turned to look at Mariana. "You think I'm hot?" 

  "Well, yeah." Mariana said with a nervous chuckle, feeling nervous. She had no idea why this was making her flustered, but it did. 

  Emma's face went from surprised to serious. "I think you're hot too." 

    Without thinking twice, Mariana kissed Emma, feeling a rush of excitement. Emma kissed back, putting her hand on the back of Mariana's head to deepen the kiss. Mariana ran her hands through Emma's hair and got on her lap. 

  Jesus opened the door, saying. "Dinner's ready- what the hell?!" Immediately, Mariana got off of Emma and stood up. 

  "Jesus, Jesus, don't you know how to knock?" 

  Emma fixed her hair and cleared her throat. "I'm gonna,  uh, go. Nice to see you, Jesus." She walked past Jesus, leaving Mariana alone. 

  "I'm not gay. I like guys." was all Mariana said before walking out of her room. 

    Jesus turned around and shouted, "That's not what I saw a few minutes ago!" Mariana continued to walk away with her middle finger help up and went into the living room. 

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