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  "Hey, can we talk?" Emma asked Mariana in a quiet voice. It had been a few days since they kissed and Mariana was avoiding the topic all together. Jesus tried talking to her about it the day after it happened, but she just ignored it and denied her feelings. As for Emma, she wasn't sure what it meant, but she wasn't bothered by it. She always kinda knew she was into girls, she just wasn't one to dwell on the fact. 

  Mariana looked around to make sure no one was close enough to listen to their conversation. "About what?" 

  "What happened between us the other day." Mariana furrowed her eyebrows as if she didn't have a clue what she was talking about. Emma rolled her eyes. "Don't play dumb. We kissed and haven't talked about it, or at all since." 

  Shrugging, Mariana said, "Honestly, it wasn't even that big of a deal to me. Let's just move on from the fact." 

  Emma could easily tell that Mariana was lying. "Move on from the fact that we have feelings for each other?" She crossed her arms. 

  "Can you be quiet? I don't want other people getting into this." Mariana whispered in a harsh tone. 

  Lexie noticed the two whispering, so she decided to interrupt. "What are we whispering about?" She smiled at both girls. 

  "Nothing, Lex. I was just telling Emma about how I'm thinking of asking Matt out." Mariana smirked, feeling as if she was getting to Emma. 

  Emma rolled her eyes. "Whatever. I'm not playing this petty game. Just a tip, next time you want to kiss someone, try to use someone other than me." 

Lexie's jaw dropped at her statement. "Wait, you two..." she trailed off and gestured to them, not wanting to finish the sentence. 

  "Yep, but it's whatever. Go for Matt if you want to, but don't come to me when it doesn't work out." Mariana kept her face from looking upset as Emma left. She hated that Emma was right. Matt would just be a cover for her. Mariana just walked away, leaving Lexie confused and shocked. 

  When she got home, Jesus was waiting for her in her room. Walking into her room, she noticed Jesus on her bed. "Jesus, get out!" 

  "No." He stood up. "Emma told me what happened today. I was the one who told her to talk to you. Why are you being rude to her?" 

  She pushed past him and out her backpack on the edge of her bed. "I wasn't I just made it clear that I wasn't interested in her." 

 Jesus turned around to face her.  "What is wrong with you? Seriously, what is it? Are you afraid to admit it to yourself that you like girls?" 

  Mariana tried covering his mouth, but he moved her hand away. "Can you keep it down? Moms might hear you." 

  "You don't want people to find out and you're willing to throw Emma under the bus because you're afraid? Unbelievable. Get your shit together or I will get moms into this." He threatened before leaving her to think about what he said. It stuck. 

  She knew what she was doing was hurting herself and Emma, but she wasn't ready to admit it to herself. She didn't want to. It would change everything for her. The way people saw and treated her meant a lot to Mariana.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2018 ⏰

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