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  For Callie, trust was hard to give. Most people trust others until they have a reason not to, but Callie doesn't trust people unless they build it. She hated meeting new people because that meant she had to tell her story and talk about her life all over again. Brandon was different. When she was around him, she felt like she could tell him the worst possible thing ever and he'd still find a reason to tell her she's good. That made her feel better, but at the same time afraid because she knew it'll end up hurting him. 

  At breakfast, Callie was more cheerful than usual. She held her head higher and made conversation with her parents about their plans for the day, which is different from her usual grab and go. 

  "Callie, is there a specific reason you're acting so different today?" Sophia asked while pouring some orange juice in her cup. 

  Callie shrugged. "No reason." She smiled down at her plate, not wanting them to see it. 

  "I bet it's Brandon." Sophia stated causing Callie to choke on her food for a second. Sophia's eyes lit up, "So it is him! I knew it. Are you guys like dating or are you just crushing hard?" 

  Callie shook her head, placing her fork down on her plate. "No, we aren't dating and I don't crush on people. You know that, Soph." She stood up and swung her backpack strap over her shoulder. "I'm going to be late for school anyways." Grabbing her plate and cup, she thanked her parents for breakfast and headed out. 

  When she got to school, she received a message from Brandon. Meet me in the music room at lunch. She opened the message and smiled. "What're you smiling about?" She heard Mariana ask. 

  Callie looked up, unsure of when she had approached her. "Oh, just a message from my friend. Nothing special." She closed her phone, put it in her front pocket, and started walking to her first period class with Mariana following. 

  "Okay. So I talked to my friends about it and they said it's okay if you hang out with us." Mariana said with a smile. 

  Callie stopped walking. "Wow, really? I get to join a clique of basic bitches, My dream come true. Thank you, Mariana." With that, Callie walked away, leaving Mariana offended and hurt. 

  At lunch, Callie was trying to find the music room, with no luck, so she asked a boy with brown, shoulder length hair where it was. "Second floor, third door to your right." Callie was about to go when he talked again. "Hey, you're the new girl. Callie, right?" 

  She turned around and nodded. "That's me." 

  He smiled and held his hand out for her to shake it. "Wyatt." Returning the smile, she took his hand and shook it. "If you need anything else, don't hesitate to ask." 

  "Thank you. I got to go, but see you around." She said quickly and then left to go find the music room. Wyatt stood there, watching her walk away. 

  "I didn't know you were a pianist." Callie said, sitting next to Brandon in front of a black piano. The music room had a few music stands out, a guitar in the corner, and a piano. Not to mention the view it had over the front of the school and the beach. 

  He ran his hand over the keys, not pressing down on them. "Oh, yeah I forgot. I don't really go around bragging about it. That's usually my mom's job." He laughed slightly at his last comment. 

  "Can you play me a song?" She stood up and walked around the piano so that she was across from him. 

  He nodded and started playing one of his pieces. Callie listened and watched how his fingers moved when playing and how focused he was. The song was mellow at some parts but gradually became more intense and faster in other parts. 

  When he finished, he looked back up at her for her thoughts on the piece. "It's a little rough, but that's what I have so far." He said with a sigh. 

  "I loved it. what composer was that?" Callie didn't know of many composers other than Bach and the other famous ones. 

  Brandon smiled at her comment. "I wrote it for my audition into this symphony, but I doubt I'll get in." 

  "You'll get in for sure." Her eyes traveled to the brown, acoustic guitar in the corner. She went over and grabbed it. Brandon watched her with curiosity as she got a stool, sat down, and started plucking its strings. It took her a few tries to get it right, but she eventually got a rhythm going and a good tune. 

  Brandon decided to join in by playing the piano to what she was playing. Soon enough, they were playing a mini song together. Callie looked up and smiled at Brandon, continuing to play the guitar. 

  After another few minutes of playing, Brandon played a chord to wrap the song up. HE let out a breath, impressed by her playing. "How'd you learn to play the guitar?" 

  Callie got up and sat the guitar back down on its stand. "My ex. She was really good with the guitar, so she taught me." 

  "Oh. Well, she taught you well, but I could teach you a few more things if you're interested." He said, closing the piano. 

  Callie stood up and grabbed her backpack. "Sounds good. I'll see you after school then." She gave Brandon a quick hug and then left. 


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