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  Brandon sat on his bed, staring at his phone. He had asked Mariana for Callie's number so he could hang out with her, but he was nervous. Something about Callie made it so difficult for him to make any move. He knew he was starting to like her, but he knew there was no way she'd be interested. So he decided to shoot for the second best thing; a friendship. 

  He typed her number in and let his thumb hover over the dial button for a few seconds, trying not to back out. He counted to three in his head and pressed the button. The phone rang three times before she picked up. "Hello?" 

  Brandon didn't answer for a second. "Callie, Hey. It's, uh, it's bra...brandon," he stuttered. 

  She chuckled at his stuttering. "Foster, hey. How'd you get my number?" 

  "I asked Mariana for it. I know that sounds dumb and all, but I just really found you cool to talk to and I wanted to know if you'd like to do something with me tomorrow." He slapped himself for rambling. 

  "Like a date?" 

  "Yes- wait, no. Not a date. Just hanging out and stuff." He ran his hands through his hair, nervously. 

  She laughed and replied, "Alright. I have a pool at my house and it's going to be hot. Bring a swimsuit. Talk to you later, Foster." 

  He was about to make a remark, but the line went dead. He didn't care because all he could think about was he was going to see Callie again. 

  The next morning, Brandon woke up early to shower, shave his face, and get dressed. Callie never gave him a time, so he assumed he could come over whenever. He ran downstairs, grabbed a fruit, and shouted, "I'm going out! Be back before dinner!" He sent Callie a message that said he was on his way and drove off. 

  Callie's house was only ten minutes from his, so it was convenient enough. When Brandon got there, he locked his car and walked up to the door. Taking a deep breath, he knocked on the door. Brandon never got over how big and beautiful the house was, so he enjoyed the scenery. 

  Callie opened the door wearing a black bikini with her hair curled, but no makeup. Not that she needed any to him. He stared at her for a few seconds until she said, "A picture lasts longer." 


  Callie laughed and said, " I'm just messing. No need to be so tense. Come in." She stepped aside and he walked in. 

  "The pool is out back," Callie said, pointing to the door that leads to the pool. 

  Brandon nodded and followed her out. The minute they got outside, Callie ran and jumped into the pool. When she came up, she shouted, "Come on, Foster! Come get wet!" Brandon laughed, taking his shirt off and tossing it on the ground. He jumped in, causing water to splash in Callie's face. 

  Wiping it off, she splashed him back. "Hey! It was an accident," he yelled. 

  "That was an accident too," she joked. Brandon shook his head and went under water. Callie looked around, wondering where he went when she felt herself being lifted up. "Brandon put me down!" She laughed. 

  "If you insist." He then tossed her a few feet away from him, causing her to get submerged under water. She swam towards him and came up. Callie paused, realizing she had come up to only be a few inches away from Brandon. 

   They held eye contact for a few seconds, and then Brandon felt the urge to kiss her. He slowly leaned in towards her, but she pulled away. "I think we should get something to drink." She insisted, shaking the fact that she wanted to kiss him too.  

 Once they each got a bottle of water, Brandon sat next to Callie at the edge of the pool. "How come you went to Juvie?" 

  "I already told you, it doesn't matter why." 

  He shook his head, looking at her. "Cut the bullshit. Tell me what happened." 

  Callie sighed. "It was my ex girlfriend. She got upset when I broke up with her for cheating on me, so she snuck drugs into my locker. When they did a locker search the same day, they found the drugs. So when they asked me if I was using, I said no and then the bitch had her customers tell the police I sold the drugs to them. They got detention, but I got sent to Juvie for 6 months with 3 moths probation afterwards. My dad told me to just admit it for a shorter sentence, but I didn't want that on my record. In the end, no one believed me. I think Sophia wanted to, but she was too scared to take my side." 

  It took Brandon a moment to process everything she told him, before he said, "I believe you. You're a good person, Callie." 

  "You don't even know me. I wouldn't be good for your reputation or anything." She looked down, not wanting him to see that she was emotional. 

  "How about this. We work on getting to know each other and you can tell me more abut yourself." Brandon said, placing his hand out for her to shake it. 

  She looked at his hand before shaking it. "Deal." 

  Brandon smiled and then said, "Race you to the deep end!" He got up and ran into the pool and started swimming with Callie right behind him. 

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