You can't trust Democracy...
After a staged attack is planned to become leaders throughout the world, these terrorists try to take over the world and rule under one name...
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I woke up in the morning, eating some of the granola bars, and continuing on the trip. I was walking down the street, passing by some of the parks that have been abandoned, and saw some dead people in them. I took their weapons, and I took some of the biker's helmets, I even took a police officer's keys in case I run into his car. At the corner of the street, in an alleyway, I saw a little girl, trying to get some sodas out of the nearby vending machine. I quickly rushed there, and broke it with my knife. I gave her some of the sodas, and took some of the snacks for myself. Quickly I head gunshots, and the little girl ran away. I headed towards the shots with my MP5 ready. I noticed a sign, covered in blood that said School Xing. Nearby was the Detroit school district.
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Cautiously, I approached the school to see if there were any people in the building. I noticed two men standing outside looking through the classrooms. Altogether there were five people in the group. Then, another man, middle-aged ran towards them with a ruler yelling very loud. I knew who it was, it was one of the teachers. The group quickly shot him, and searched for any useful belongings. The leader with the tattoos on the right side of his head said, "There is nothing there, keep looking". I approached the men, who put on their bandanas to hide their identity. "Who are you" the leader asked. "I am an old banker, who prepared for this very moment". The leader turns to his band and starts laughing. "Sure old man..." they quickly pulled out their guns and started shooting at me. I ran to the nearest car, and hid behind it. "You stand no chance old man!" I quickly respond, "You have no idea..." I put my helmet on, turn around, and fire my MP5. As soon as the round was over, all five of them were on the floor, with bullets in their heads.
I thought to myself, look what this place has done to ordinary teenagers. Look what this has done to regular people like you and me. I search the classroom, only to find school supplies. I come out of the building, and a police man approaches me. I tell him, "It's all right, I'm not going to shoot you..." I realized that he was the same officer, the one who helped me on the night of Darius' injury, and the day the bank exploded. He said, "Okay, Jason, it's you. So, I need you to help, if that's okay with you." I look at him with confusion, and ask, "Care to explain what's going on?" He quickly responded, "I'll tell you what happened, but first, my station is under attack!"
I thought to myself, Oh god, ordinary citizens are now trying to kill the police. He then quickly stole a cab, and told me, "Get in, there is not enough time, there are still good officers in that building that need backup." I got in, and quickly we drove to the police station. When we got close, it was madness. People were beating each other up on the street, shooting at each other, at this point, there would be no survivors left in Detroit.
As we arrived at the parking lot, three men turned to us and started shooting. The policeman got his gun, and shot all three of them. "I know this might not help, but since I may die today, my name is Gary, Gary Ericson" he told me. I told him, "Gary, look out!" I shot the man approaching him with a Mac-10. Gary thanked me, and told me, "Careful when you enter, I know where the safe-room is, we'll go there, and get the other officers out...". I agreed, and went to grab his Mac-10, for one time use, and went inside.
The moment we stepped inside, ten men were pointing guns at us. I wheeled out the Mac-10, and sprayed bullets all over the room. By the time the round was finished, blood sprayed all over the room. Gary then said, "Nice shot, over here". He leads me to a keypad vault, with several officers inside. He gives e a Scar-H, with about ten rounds, and told us the plan. He told us that we should go out through the back, and get on the helicopter, and move away from the incoming radiation storm.
There were about eleven men in the room, including me, which were all higher ranked deputies, sergeants, or police chiefs. Everyone there was equipped with police helmets, and vests including me now. The only thing we needed to do now was to blow the charges. Yes, there were charges set all over the police station, everywhere except for the safe room. The door was good enough to hold for now, but as the storm comes, we have very little time. So, Gary presses the button, and boom, the whole station blows up. We step out of the room, and throw smoke grenades. We fire our Scar-H's and kill all the protesters coming towards us. Then, one man comes forward. He wore a gas mask, with full scale body armor, and came with an AK-47.I told Gary, "There is only one place to shoot him in...". As I said that, I took out my hunting rifle and aimed for his right neck. I fired both bullets, and it missed him for the left barrel, but for the right barrel, it hit his eye. He fell down, and at that point, Gary took out his Scar, and shot him ten times in the head. "Gary, let's go, the helicopter works!" Gary then drops his gas mask, and comes into the cockpit seat. The pilot, and Gary fly the helicopter out, moving away from the storm, which now covered half of the police station.