You can't trust Democracy...
After a staged attack is planned to become leaders throughout the world, these terrorists try to take over the world and rule under one name...
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It was morning, the battle has come. We all went down to the deck, and geared up. We took our weapons, and loaded the ships. We had to take a small jeep, with the mini-gun on board, because we were going out the back. We took the ship to the right, which only had the eleven of us, and we were diverting towards the back, as the commander and the rest were fighting at the front. The general took my order, and sent a six pack of mega nukes over to Russia. Once the mega nukes obliterated Russia, the commander docked the ships in Washington DC. Our jeep went to the right, as the rest of the trucks wen out to the front.
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The soldiers then rapidly started fighting, as the enemy soldiers, which wore the same uniform as the soldiers in Detroit, started marching to the front, and fighting our soldiers. The time was 5:00 A.M eastern time, so we were wide awake. The layout of the base was accurate, so the plan can be carried out as we wanted it to. We snuck inside the back door, and went to the back of the soldiers war front at the base. The commander and the army barely broke the walls of the base, as we snuck up on the soldiers through the back. Everyone then positioned themselves, as I whistled, and fired the machine gun at the front line enemy soldiers.
The mini-gun was amazing. Not even the enemy Kevlar could protect them from getting absolutely destroyed by the gun. After all the soldiers at the front were killed, the rest of the soldiers saw, and ran directly to the main building, the one with the most soldiers guarding it, in order to keep safe, and to protect Jacob Cedric. Gary and I set the charges for the doors, as we then got our main weapons ready. I then took my strap, and showed Gary the hunting rifle. I told him, "This is only for Jacob Cedric, and nobody else". As the door blew, all the remaining seventy soldiers came running in, charging with their weapons in hand, raiding the buildings to see if there were any people left. After the thunderstorm, the sky was clear now, and we could start charging at the main building. There were twenty soldiers outside, since all the remaining soldiers retreated to the main building. The commander knew we needed a plan to get inside.
So, we came up with a plan in no time, and we started it. We threw gas bombs at the guards on the outside, so the four guards on top could not see us shooting at the guards on the bottom. We quickly and quietly killed all twenty guards in the bottom, and placed the shell launchers on the bottom. Once the smoke cleared, we launched the shells, destroying the roof, and killing all four men. Some men on the last floor tried to rebuild some of it, but that did not matter. We busted through the front door, and started shooting at the soldiers on the inside. After a while, all the guards on the bottom were dead, and fifty men remained in our army. The commander told us to wait near the stairs, as we were going to charge the second floor.
Suddenly a security guard came on the bottom, and said, "Wait, what, you're alive!!!" We then shot at him, taking his radio. We then had no choice but to go up, and kill the rest of the soldiers. They were all unprepared, so only twenty of our soldiers died, but all fifty of their soldiers died. we then put all the soldiers downstairs, so they would not be killed in this last offense. The commander also went downstairs, in case we all died, but we most likely would not. In case we did, he was supposed to charge upstairs, and kill the rest. So, Gary then counted down to when we went.
Three, two, one, then we went! We charged upstairs, as I got my hunting rifle ready to shoot. Gary then went on the other side of the door, and the rest of them got their P90's out. The moment of truth finally came, whether Jacob Cedric was going to die, or I was going to. I kicked the door down, and shot my hunting rifle. It whiffed the two soldiers near the desk, and head shot Jacob Cedric right down the forehead. Gary and the rest finished all the soldiers in the room, as the commander witnessed the body falling three stories from the main building.
As we gave the signal, the rest of the ships boarded Washington DC, and started reconstruction. The soldiers tried rebuilding the important buildings first, then started reconstructing the residential area in the city. We used it was the foundation of the reconstruction of the entire United States. Europe and the rest of the world has to deal with the fallout of Russia, as we construct our part of the world. After everything is done, we knew that democracy would not work out as the founding fathers planned, for CIVILIZATION WAS DESTROYED!