You can't trust Democracy...
After a staged attack is planned to become leaders throughout the world, these terrorists try to take over the world and rule under one name...
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Ten minutes later, we arrived at their base. We saw eleven ships on the water, in which we landed on the middle one. The man came out with his four other soldiers, and said, "Follow me, I'll show you to the general." We then walked across the ship, which looked like an upgrade of an aircraft carrier. He then showed us into a building. We all went inside, where we saw one man. He told us, "Please, have a seat on the couch, but before you do, take off all your gear, you're all safe here.". So we took off our Kevlar, and sat down on the couch. He then continued, "Look, let me tell you right now, you eleven are the only survivors of the parts of the country that have been bombed, but we are doing everything we can to find more. Now, if you look outside the window, you will see what is left of the outside part of Washington D.C, the inside part is ruled by the terrorists. We are currently building up an army to get inside, but we may not have enough to destroy them. Now, you eleven are the only survivors we have right now." Then, a guard comes up to him, and whispers to him, "All the bombs have detonated, these are the only survivors." The general then turns to us, and tells us, "You eleven will now lead the army straight into battle."
The general got up, and told the commander to give us the tour. The commander walked out, and told us to follow him. He showed us to a room below the deck, and said, "Gather as many weapons as you want, we have the suits waiting for you in the next room." We follow him to the next room, as we see that the suits are more than military grade. We then examine the suits, and see that we can fit five weapons, if we are holding one weapon. The armor looks cool, and it can protect anyone from a bullet, to a bomb shell.
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The commander then shows us to our bunks, our showers, and our cafeteria to eat. He then finishes the tour in less than ten minutes, and says, "You guys have ten hours to come up with a battle plan before you go to sleep. Now, you have the rest of the day to figure out the battle plan tomorrow, if you have any questions, ask the general above.". We then eat for one hour, asking other soldiers questions, and telling them what things were like inside the dome of radiation. After we finished eating, Gary then tells us to get to the weapon room.
We looked at some of the heavy weapons to see what we can carry. Gary required us to carry the P90 as our main weapon, because it sprays quickly, and does more damage than it looks like it can do. He told us to carry dual hand cannons so we can deal more damage with pistols. I said that we should carry shotguns for close range battles as well. Once we finished the load out plan, we tried it on. The suits were nice, and the weapons were efficient as well. I turned to one side, and saw the gun on the rack. It was the only gun on the rack, but I felt like carrying it to battle, since it could do the most damage to any army yet.
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I went to the general to ask him what the mini-gun was for, and he told us, I guarantee that you take it to battle, in case you need to plow down many soldiers, that can kill a soldier in one shot, and can shoot up to five hundred bullets a round. I then agreed, and took it back to the room. We then decided to use the rest of the day to try and find a plan to enter the base. We had three ships and about one hundred extra soldiers to bring with us. We said that the emergency plan was to nuke Washington DC, but it had already been destroyed by the look of it. Gary saw the main entrance and said, "The army can charge through there, as we come through the back, because the main entrance will draw all the soldiers away, while we take the back of the base."
After seven hours of planning, we finally knew what to do. We then for the next half an hour did a recap on what happened in Detroit, and went to sleep. I looked outside and saw what happened in Washington DC. It looked like there was a massive war that was going on. Something was not right, America was not the only country that had this massive war. We knew that Europe was unaffected, but a part of Europe started it. So, I wen to the general and asked him, "General, I know you will soon go to sleep, but I need you to do one thing. Russia is their support, so when we start fighting, I need you to bomb these coordinates." The general completely agreed, and said, "You got it, as long as they don't have support, they will never win!" I went back to bed, thinking that I might die tomorrow.