You can't trust Democracy...
After a staged attack is planned to become leaders throughout the world, these terrorists try to take over the world and rule under one name...
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"Where to now?", Gary suddenly asks me. I look at him with a shocked face, replying, "Gary, why are you asking me?" The deputy next to me tells me, "You saved our asses out there, you get to choose where to go next." I tell them, "The storm has been closing in on this city for a few days..." Gary interrupts me there. He then goes on to say, "The shells of this weapon has been shot ten different locations in the United States, and there is someone looking for us, all we need to do is find some communications device to contact them" I tell him, "The old and abandoned news cast, is a good place for communications, and it is also in, the center." Everyone gasps with fear, one of the deputies next to me goes, "Everyone will be looking for us in the center" I tell him, "It does not matter, it is our only ticket out". Everyone agrees, and we go about with the plan.
One hour later, the time on Gary's old Rolex says about four o' clock P.M. We arrived near a tall skyscraper, with smoke coming out of it. Gary says, "People are there, people are there!" The helicopter suddenly starts getting shot at, and the engine fails. The pilot, and Gary come back with us and yell, "BRACE FOR IMPACT!!!". Everyone ducks and covers near side walls with protection, as the helicopter tumbles near the entrance of the building. As everyone exits, and takes cover behind the helicopter, Gary tells everyone, "Is everyone all right?" The pilot had a flesh would, but he said, "It's okay, I have a bandage for that".
They all heard gunshots around the casino, as they gathered all the materials from the wrecked plane. They grabbed their guns, got up, and went inside. They waited near the main entrance of the casino, as they saw the chaos inside. People were shooting at each other, and killing each other inside. This looked like a war, except it was every person for themselves. We all pointed to one person in the center, who looked like he was taking no cover, and watching his movements. It looked like he would want to die the next minute. He had a suicide vest on, and he was shooting everyone around him.
"That man is going to get himself, and everyone in this building killed." Gary told all of us. So, I whispered to him, "Hey, when I tell you to, get the rest of the men to run on my signal." I took out a hand grenade that I had in the back of my vest, and chucked it at the man in the middle. "Get out of the casino!" Gary signaled all the men. As soon as I got out, the grenade blew up, killing everyone inside the casino. The casino glass flew everywhere, luckily injuring nobody on the team. We wet back inside to check out if there were any essential items, and we found a large storage truck.
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We decided that we were going to use that truck to sleep in, or transport, instead of trying to walk everywhere. In order to refuel, we decided that we should gather bags of money from the casino, in case we wanted to refuel. So, we got one of the trucks, and went on. After a few hours of driving through neighborhoods, we encountered a highway looking area, crowded with cars. The storm was closing in on us, but we could stay here for another day. But, Gary and the other men wanted to get to the center instead of wasting time, so we decided to step out, and see what was going on.
One of the men saw an injured man in the car, and said, "Over here, I see an injured man!" Gary went to the car, and saw the man, except he wasn't injured, he was dead. Then, Gary said, "Look over here, on the left" There we saw a camp of what looked like soldiers. We approached them, and asked them, "Hey, what's going on here?!" The leader turned to them, and yelled, "What, there are supposed to be no survivors, everyone, GET THEM!" All the soldiers then turned to us and started shooting.
We all took cover, in any car that was available. There were about 100 soldiers in the camp, in which everyone of them were now centered around this area. I had an idea. I told Gary to keep them distracted, so I can sneak around, and kill them. He agreed, even though he had no idea what I was going to do. So I snuck around them as Gary and his men killed as many as he could, and I grabbed a mini-gun from his base. Gary saw me get it, and as I did, he told his men to take cover. This startled the soldiers a little bit, but then the sergeant turned around and shouted, "He has the gun!" The soldiers then turned to try and shoot me, but by then, the rounds started firing. All the soldiers were trying to hide behind tents, but nothing could stop the mini-gun. I kept it away from Gary and his men, and tried killing the rest. By the time the round was over, all the men were dead. The sergeant was only hit in the waste, and was somewhat conscious.
We took the sergeant and tied him to a tent. After we brought the truck to the camp, I put the mini-gun inside, and told the rest, "Keep watching the surrounding areas, we don't have much time, we need to leave by tomorrow. I'll interrogate the sergeant and see what he knows, we'll camp here for the night." After that, the men agreed, and lit the campfire. I went into the tent, and the sergeant said, "Jesus, now I realize what I have done. This is a madhouse. You have to help!" I looked at him with confusion, as I read his vest. He was part of the United States army. "You a part of the army?" He quickly replied, "yes sir, with orders from Jacob Cedric to kill everyone in these states. I was positioned in Detroit to kill whoever I could, but I did not realize that all these people are terrorists. Jacob Cedric told us that every person in this town was part of a terror group known as Aneurysm". I looked at him, and asked him, "You mean the aortic disease, does this look like some kind of joke?!"
One second later, a sniper shot him right in the head, as that happened I yelled, "Sniper, everyone take cover!" I saw three snipers in the area, all trying to kill us. After three rounds, the snipers climbed down, and pulled out M16's. They all started firing at us, until their ammo ran out. At that time, Gary pulled out the mini-gun and shot all three of them dead. I turned to him and said, "We need to get out of here now, well find some other place to sleep, but this camp is going to be a huge target." So, they all nodded, and loaded the truck. Soon enough, we all got out, watching as other civilians raided it for gear and weapons.